From clubbing to family parties: Here’s what your 2024 New Year’s Eve plans say about you

Honestly, I aspire to be a secure girly spending her New Year’s Eve with a pizza and a box set

It’s here again, arguably the most overrated night of 2024, New Year’s Eve, is back.

Last minute ASOS parcels have been delivered, questionable alcohol has been retrieved from cupboards, and groups chats are popping off with plans.

There’s no rule for what you do on New Year’s Eve. It’s an evening of feeling pressured to have fun but there’s no saying how you have to enjoy the night.

Some people host family parties, some take to the street in mini skirts (and no jackets, of course) to go clubbing, others put on a box set to binge.

But, what do your plans say about you? Are you actually fun? Or are you the New Year’s Grinch? Let’s see.

Going clubbing with friends

New Year's Eve 2024

Going out with friends into your local town or city is a classic for New Year’s Eve.

You’ll no doubt have some pres, put on your finest clothes, and head into town for a, let’s be honest, below average night out.

If you’re heading out, money is clearly no object to you. Minimum £10 entry, £20 for queue jump, not a problem. A double vodka and Coke costs more than your hourly wage. Who cares? You’ll get five, plus a round of shots for the lads.

You’re either spending all of your money from your December pay day, bought no one any Christmas presents, or are a finance bro. Otherwise, I have no idea how you’d be able to afford hitting the town on NYE.

However, you’re not just Jeff Bezos in disguise, you’re also a fun-lover. Any opportunity to let loose, you’re there.

You’re an extrovert who loves hanging out with their friends, and shimmies their way to the dance floor when the intro to “Gimme, Gimme, Gimme” comes on.

Hosting a house party

New Year's Eve 2024

You’ve had enough of the going out scene. You think there’s no point paying £15 for watered-down two for one cocktails, and you can’t bear to be pushed and shoved on a dance floor. I don’t blame you.

There are two types of people hosting house parties for NYE, and I guarantee if you’re the hostess with the mostess, you fit into either category.

The first option, you’re here to save money, and basically to just have an all-night pres session. You can’t justify going out and spending £10 on a double Captain Morgan’s when you have a bottle in the house. You’re here to save money, January is tough and you’re prepared.

You also don’t want to end up with booze in your hair, dancing to shit tunes, so you’ll put on your own Spotify playlist and invite a few mates round so you can drink and dance the night away.

Option two. You’ve matured, you’re in your classy, elegant era. You’ve prepared a stunning charcuterie board, boasting a number of cheeses you can’t pronounce, and have paired the wine perfectly. You’re my dream, I wish I was you.

You’ll be playing classic music, maybe some 80s, with the occasional noughties tune to keep the 20-25 year olds in check. You’ve even invited your parents, and you know they’ll be proud. You have your life together, 10/10.

Stopping in and watching TV/playing games with a takeaway

New Year's Eve 2024

FOMO who? You don’t know FOMO, and people pleasing isn’t something you’re familiar with.

You’re the person we all wish we could be. You don’t care if you’re missing out, you know New Year’s Eve 2024 is another night, so you’ll treat it as such.

You’ve decided to stay in alone or with family and friends, watch some TV, plays a few games, and of course, order a takeaway.

Your night is relaxing and not full of anxiety about the approaching new year. Some might call you a New Year’s Eve Grinch, but to me, you are secure, and I envy you.

Going to a fancy dinner and drinks event

You’re a sociable person, love to dress up and go out but can’t face seeing people passed out in gutters, and sick flooding the streets, so you’ve decided to get an extortionate ticket to a fancy event.

This New Year’s Eve, you’re here to live like a Serena Van der Woodsen, and mingle with the elite, but you’re dreading the menu because pheasant is a far cry from the Diet Coke and Caesar Salad combo you adore.

You’ve clearly got a great job, or you’ve been saving away because these tickets are insanely priced, and you know it.

You’re all about how you’re perceived, being seen as elegant, classy, and cultured is important to you. You know that these events aren’t just for having fun but for networking so you’ll have your LinkedIn profile at the ready.

Being ‘dragged’ to a family member’s house

I used “dragged” loosely here because this may be something you’re going to enjoy, spending New Year’s Eve 2024 this way.

During the festive period, you’ve already seen your family members enough but now, you’ve got to do it all again and with much more alcohol.

For every Gen-Zer out there, you’ll face the dreaded politics conversation, or a great-uncle chiming in with his favourite term: “Woke”.

Oh, and don’t forget the “your generation just expects hand outs” when you mention your £1,000 rent for a room in Clapham and when you explain that’s why you can’t afford to buy your first home.

You’ll cringe and uncomfortably sit in silence when older family members go on their typical “you can’t tell a joke nowadays” rant, wishing you’d agreed to going to Slug and Lettuce with the girls instead.

However, you’re resilient, you know that if you can handle this, you can handle anything. You’re used to voicing your opinions, and know that nothing can dampen your spirits or take away the convictions of your beliefs.

On the upside, there’s free alcohol and you can hang out with your cousins who are the saving grace of every family get together.