These are officially the Russell Group unis where students take the most coke in 2024
It’s December, so let it snow…
Er, so UK unis students really like coke. And no, I’m not talking about the cola drink. Although they do get a lot of that too. Even students at the brainy Russell Group unis are doing plenty of coke in 2024.
The Tab surveyed nearly 6,000 UK uni students (anonymously!) about which drugs they use. So, we can exclusively reveal the Russell Group unis where students do the most coke *jazz hands*.
The University of Manchester is easily the druggiest Russell Group uni overall (seriously, 90 per cent of the students said they’d used illegal drugs). But Manchester students aren’t the biggest cocaine users. Students at the Uni of Liverpool use more cocaine than people at all the other Russell Group unis.
The University of Cambridge is right at the bottom of the list. The students there smoke the least weed, and it turns out they use the least coke, too. I guess they’re all too busy doing a gazillion exams a week.
Although students at the London unis UCL and Imperial use plenty of ket, they ranked further down the list for coke. Maybe all the London uni students are too broke from the extortionate rent in London to splash out on cocaine?
The data from The Tab’s survey was analysed by Constance Vielma. Each uni was assigned a “cocaine score”. This takes into account how much cocaine the students claimed they used, how often they did it, and how many students there are at that uni.
So then, here are the Russell Group unis ranked by their “coke scores”.
18. University of Cambridge – 0.19
17. University of Warwick – 0.2
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16. University of York – 0.34
15. University of Edinburgh – 0.64
14. Durham University – 0.72
=12. University of Exeter – 0.79
=12. University of Nottingham – 0.79
11. Cardiff University – 0.84
10. University of Glasgow – 0.86
9. University College London (UCL) – 1
8. Newcastle University – 1.24
7. Imperial College London – 1.25
6. University of Bristol – 1.29
5. University of Birmingham – 1.35
4. University of Sheffield – 1.48
3. University of Manchester – 1.53
2. University of Leeds – 1.56
1. University of Liverpool – 1.62