Nottingham University student posts TikTok showing mould mite infestation in their house

Notts has its fair share of damp ridden houses but this infestation is a new low

One Nottingham student revealed a mould mite infestation in their uni house on TikTok.

Student houses can often be damp and its not uncommon to hear stories of silverfish or some type of bug in people’s accommodation but this mould mite infestation seems to be taking over the whole house in this case.

Mould mite infestations can come from a damp house with high levels of moisture and humidity – even though they are not going to bite you it can lead to health issues because of the mould and damp.

In the TikTok, the camera pans to show different items, such as a glass of water, floorboards and clothing, all with mould mites scurrying across them.


@cathbarton #lovingthis #notts #uni

♬ som original – 🥸👍

The video, in turn, has amassed more than 400,000 views and 26,000 likes after blowing up on the social media site.

People were also eager to comment on the post suggesting solutions such as dehumidifiers, vinegar, calling pest control. With one comment saying: “This happened to us. Called pest control. Basically said as long as the house is damp, we’ll never get rid of them.”

Another had some helpful advice, adding: “THIS HAPPENED TO ME AT UNI!!!! I did a bug bomb and washed everything on 90 degrees, need to get rid of all mould and buy a dehumidifier, ngl I was still seeing them sometimes but not so bad.”

A third commenter also relatably said: “I had this and just ended up throwing all my furniture out.”

Sources say to help with the problem, you should try and control humidity in the house, clean regularly, ventilate your house, keep food well sealed and dry, move furniture away from walls, replace filters, fix any leaks, and get professional pest removal for large infestations.

All we can say is best of luck to the house and we hope they get their infestation sorted soon.

Featured image via TikTok