From Met Galas to Muppets coats: A detailed ranking of Lady Gaga’s weirdest ever moments

I should try summoning swarms of flies to vanquish my enemies

Nobody understands what Lady Gaga was doing in Joker: Foile à Deux. I’m not convinced that Lady Gaga understands what she was doing, either. Behaving completely bizarrely is basically the only thing that Lady Gaga’s been consistent about in her life. Here is an overly thorough rundown of the weirdest moments from Lady Gaga.

8. The VMAs Paparazzi performance

Lady Gaga’s performance of Paparazzi at the 2009 VMAs couldn’t have been more dramatic. A bag of fake blood was hidden in the outfit’s bodice. It burst open, so it looked like Lady Gaga’s heart had literally broken. Lady Gaga then shimmied around the stage, drenched in blood. Iconic.

7. Whatever was going on at the 2019 Met Gala

2019 was the year the Met Gala theme was “Camp: Notes on Fashion” (and, let’s be real, the last time anyone wore any good outfits). Lady Gaga worked her way through five equally bizarre outfits in two minutes, which has got to be some kind of record. The costume changes somehow involved a flashing umbrella, a massive fake phone, a trolley of giant perfume bottles and some yoga poses.

6. She got her scalp tattooed in front of a crowd of celebs

Lady Gaga rocked up to the launch party of her perfume Fame with half of her head shaved. The event was at the Guggenheim Museum in New York, and attended by basically everyone who was famous in 2012. Someone then tattooed a cherub onto her scalp live on stage. The tattoo was apparently in memory of her friend Terry Richardson’s mother.

5. Lady Gaga managed to offend David Bowie’s son

Her tribute to David Bowie at the 2016 Grammys was… interesting. She dressed up as David Bowie and bashed out nine songs in five minutes, with the help of a weird robot piano and some strange special effects.

David Bowie’s son, Duncan Jones, was not impressed. He tweeted the Oxford English Dictionary definition for the word “Gaga”. Not going to lie, that’s a pretty inventive way to slam someone. He wrote: “‘Overexcited or irrational, typically as a result of infatuation or excessive enthusiasm; mentally confused.’ Damn it! What IS that word!?”

4. She puked twice during the same concert

While performing The Edge of Glory at a show in Barcelona back in 2012, Lady Gaga was sick. Twice. A topless dancer leaped in front of Lady Gaga and danced sensually to block the audience’s views of the puking. Not all heroes wear capes. Or shirts.

Lady Gaga carried on with the rest of the concert like nothing had happened. A true professional.

3. The Kermit the Frog coat

lady gaga kermit the frog coat

She acted like a real muppet
(Image via YouTube)

Yes, Lady Gaga really wore a coat made out of muppet toys on a German chat show in 2009. No, I don’t get it either.

2. Lady Gaga told everyone that Patrizia Reggiani cursed her with a swam of flies 

Really. So, Lady Gaga starred as Patrizia Reggiani in House of Gucci. She told British Vogue in 2021 that she didn’t break character for the whole nine months when she was filming. She claims to have wandered around Rome with a psychiatric nurse asking people to call her Patrizia.

Lady Gaga slaying in House of Gucci
(Image via MGM)

She only stopped pretending to be Patrizia when, I kid you not, Patrizia Reggiani summoned a plague of flies to chase her.

Lady Gaga told W Magazine, “On the last day of filming, I was on the balcony of my apartment in Rome, and I was blasting Dean Martin singing Mambo Italiano, and I had a cigarette hanging out of my mouth. I was Patrizia. But I knew I had to say goodbye to her: Large swarms of flies kept following me around, and I truly began to believe that she had sent them. I was ready to let her go.”

1. The notorious meat dress 

lady gaga meat dress cher mtv awards 2010

Cher (who is vegetarian) awkwardly holds Lady Gaga’s meat purse for her
(Credit: MTV, via YouTube)

There are truly no words that could do the weirdness of the meat dress justice. The image of Lady Gaga appearing at the 2010 MTV Video Music Awards is forever etched in everyone’s minds. Surely this is one of the weirdest moments every not just from Lady Gaga, but from the 21st century.

Afterwards, Lady Gaga explained on The Ellen Show that the dress was a protest against the US military’s “Don’t ask, don’t tell” policy which prevented soldiers from being open about their sexual orientation. The connection was not exactly obvious.

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