Swansea Uni apologises to international student for removing him from his course
He has also been invited back to complete his Master’s degree
A Nigerian student who was thrown off his course and faced deportation in August, has received an apology from Swansea University.
In August last year, three students from Nigeria were removed from their courses at Swansea University’s School of Management and faced deportation after their tuition fees were paid “hours late”, due to a banking crisis in Nigeria.
ITV News has reported that one of the three students, Emmanuel Okohoboh, 26, has received an apology and an offer to return to finish his degree, alongside £1,000 in compensation from the university.
This apology follows an internal investigation within the university, which uncovered “several failings” in how Emmanuel’s case was handled.
Emmanuel said that he was “grateful” for the investigation but after being forced into poverty after being removed from his course, he told ITV Wales: “I was honestly not happy about it.”
Director of Swansea charity BAME Mental Health Support, Alfred Oyekoya, who helped to support Emmanuel financially and in his fight to be reinstated, believes that the compensation offered by the university “is not a true reflection of what should have been given to him”.
When approached by ITV, Swansea University stated that they don’t comment on individual cases but will provide appropriate support to international students where possible.
Emmanuel has decided to take the university up on its offer of letting him return to complete his Master’s degree.
Feature Image Credit: ITV Wales
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