Who the red guards in Squid Game: The Challenge are will change your whole idea of the show
This is so clever… but also a bit dark?
Has anyone else been watching Squid Game: The Challenge and been desperate to know who it is under those red suits working as the guards? How do you go about being cast as that?
The guards roam around the dorm, demanding the players take part in trials and challenges, and are seen in some sort of control room, operating when players get eliminated and the board with the prize fund and number of players left taking part.
For the most parts, given they don’t have to kill people like the original guards did, it looks like a pretty breezy and interesting job. I’d love to be a fly on the wall in the dorm! So, who the hell are the people under the suits? Here are all the answers.

via Netflix
So, who are under the red guard suits in Squid Game: The Challenge?
Huge behind the scenes secret alert! The guards in the red suits in Squid Game: The Challenge were actually all members of the Netflix production crew!
Because of this, the crew were unseen to the players, so the whole experience felt even more real. They wouldn’t see anyone who looked like a crew member roaming about, they instead saw the guards, which made it easy to forget it was a TV show, and slip into thinking the games were real life.
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A member of the crew told The Telegraph: “A lot of the crew were dressed either as guards or as contestants. And whenever we had to do turnarounds on set – for example, rejigging the beds whenever we lost a tranche of contestants – that was always scheduled for when they were on a different part of the set. We were pretty much invisible the whole time so that the fourth wall was never broken.”
This is so smart, but at the same time so, so intense. Creepy!
Squid Game: The Challenge is available on Netflix now. For all the latest Netflix news, drops, quizzes and memes like The Holy Church of Netflix on Facebook.
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