A definitive list of all the things TikTok considers ‘micro-cheating’ on your partner
Some of these seem a bit harsh
Cheating used to be quite a simple thing to define: Did you kiss someone else? Did you sleep with someone else? If the answer was yes, you were guilty. That was kind of it. But TikTok has recently become obsessed with the concept of micro-cheating, which basically dictates there are dozens of other small ways you could be unfaithful to your partner, or they could be unfaithful to you. Seems messy.
Micro-cheating is, supposedly, subtle. There are grey areas of what’s right and wrong. So, as the term goes viral, here’s what TikTok actually considers to be micro-cheating and how to know if it’s happening to you:
Right, so what actually is micro-cheating?
@lowlowprime 5 example of micro-cheating… #microcheating rrelationshipcoachrrelationshipcoachingrrelationshipcoachforwomenrrelationshipcoachesrrelationshipcoachesoftiktokrrelationshipcoach101rrelationshipcoachliferrelationshipcoachingforcouplesrrelationshipsbelikerrelationships101rrelationshipissuesrrelationshiptalkrrelationshiphelprrelationship_goalsrrelationshipbloggerrrelationshipcounsellingrrelationshiptherapyrrelationshipmistakesrrelationshipmentorrelationshipexpert
Essentially, micro-cheating is where you or your partner don’t flat out go and sleep with or kiss someone else but you’re being unfaithful in other ways. Essentially, you’re emotionally or romantically invested in people outside of your relationship and it gradually starts to break down the trust with your partner. But when the person micro-cheating gets called out for it, they can technically say they’ve done nothing wrong.
And what things does TikTok consider to be micro-cheating?
The thing about micro-cheating is that, because it exists in the grey areas of a relationship, a lot of people question whether it’s even real and the TikTok comment section has been having a serious debate about which actions should be considered micro-cheating – if any at all.
So, according to TikTok’s most viral videos, here’s what micro-cheating can look like. But some of the examples do seem pretty harsh and, actually, pretty problematic. Ultimately, it all seems to come down to whether there’s someone you’re interested in outside of your relationships, not the actual actions themselves:
1.Secretly messaging someone
Okay, valid.
2.Flirtatious joking
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3. Having secret friendships
“You shouldn’t be hiding anything from your partner”
@broganperry Communication is definitely the biggest thing you need in a relationship for one to work. Once you stop communicating over issues such as the ones mentioned in the video, the relationship wont work #fyp #foryoupage #relationship #parter #respect #communication #microcheating #disrespect
4. Maintaining friendship and contact with your ex
This was THE most controversial one in the comment section. Apparently, it’s allowed if you have children.
5. Complaining about your partner to other people
This seems mad. Like, what? You’re not meant to tell your friends? Toxic, toxic, toxic.
6. Liking bikini/topless photos of other people on social media
The eternal argument.
7. Making particular effort to look good for somebody else
Again, this better mean “somebody” you’re actually interested in because otherwise, what? We’re not allowed to get dressed up?
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Featured image credit via TikTok