Quiz: Rishi wants us all to learn maths up to the age of 18, so could you pass an exam?
In short: Probably not
In a speech yesterday, prime minister Rishi Sunak announced he wants us all to learn maths up to the age of 18. Obviously, everyone has been sharing their thoughts on this, and most of us are in agreement that if this had been the rule when we were 18, a big fat fail would have been heading our way.
So, why did Rishi say he wants to do this? “We’re one of the few countries not to require our children to study some form of maths up to the age 18,” he explained, adding he wants everyone to have “confidence” with their finances, mortgages and savings rates. But I guess that’s only going to be beneficial if everyone actually does well and passes.
In the maths quiz below, you’ll be asked a series of different level questions. Some of them are basic primary school SATs style questions, whilst others only those who look at maths degrees will probably be able to get their head around. At the end you’ll be told if you could barely pass a SAT, or if you could get anything from a GCSE to a degree in maths now.
All I have left to say is good luck, and you should probably count your lucky stars that your maths days are over.
Following what Rishi Sunak said, let’s see which level of maths your knowledge is up to:
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Featured image (before edits) via Sky News.