
Hilarious 1993 mail exchange discovered between Pi Phi and Phi Tau at UC Berkeley

‘I am referring to the flagrant exposure of your members’ vulgar manhood’

New private social network ‘Turtle’ comes out of its shell at Berkeley

Perhaps this explains that inflatable turtle hanging out on Sproul recently

I went looking for Trump supporters and I found white supremacists

He just sounds like he knows what he’s talking about, in a really dangerous way

Free breakfast for dinner and micro-pigs in the MLK until 12am

It’s all a part of De-Stress Fest

Berkeley’s reputation ranked sixth in the world

Only 6th?

Fossil Free UC Berkeley are currently staging a sit-in in the UC investments office

As part of national wave of direct action, UC students call for full fossil fuel divestment

Berkeley ranks second highest for crime per student in California colleges

Naturally, Stanford came first

Berkeley quarterback Jared Goff drafted first for Rams

The junior is, ‘Very excited for it’

Berkeley class of 2020, you made the right choice

Why would you want to go anywhere else?

Berkeley City power outage affecting parts of University campus

The power should be restored by 12:45pm PST

We will not be silenced: Armenian Genocide Awareness Week at Cal

Our mouths may be shut, but we are not silenced

The Tab comes to Bear territory

Are you ready?