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NYU Weekly Roundup: Violet 100 and Gavin McInnes

Just in case you missed it

Jared Kushner’s NYU classmates appeal to his ‘deep sense of compassion’

He’s not winning their ‘Favorite Alumni’ award

Six Tisch alumni receive 2017 Oscar nominations

#violet pride

Dear Girl Scouts: Please do not walk in tomorrow’s inauguration parade

A survivor, woman and former Girl Scout’s last plea

Write for us at The Tab NYU

We’re not your school newspaper

NYU enrolls more low- and middle-income students than any Ivy

We’re top four in students from the bottom 40%

NYU still has the most sugar babies in the country

We ranked second for new sign-ups

These real-world women are your new feminist icons

Our role models should be more than Hollywood’s latest it-girl