Newcastle Uni is offering £500 compensation to students who graduated without final grades
Just want my degree please x
Newcastle University is offering £500 to students graduating without confirmation of their final degree classification.
Third-year university students across the country have been impacted by the prolonged assessment and marking boycott.
After a long period of underpayment, the UCU decided to take further measures in compensation for fair wages.
However, the marking boycott has significantly impacted third-year students. Many have graduated with uncertainty about their degree classification.
As a result of the anxiety and uncertainty students have faced, Newcastle University has offered £500 to students who completed all assessments but have not received their final degree classification due to the marking boycott.
However, the growing concern amongst graduates has been profound, with many beginning to question the authenticity of the university’s promise.
Newcastle University responded to a comment via Instagram and said: “We are sincerely sorry for those students affected by the marking and assessment boycott… In recognition of this we have offered a payment of £500 for the distress and inconvenience caused.”
Although the £500 may win over some, many students simply want to know if they have graduated and if so, what classification. Especially regarding the newfound difficulty of securing grad jobs.
If you’re a final year affected by the marking boycotts, here is how to claim your money through S3P.
Simply go into “Student Payments” and follow the instructions on the screen. Enter your bank details into the fields requested and submit.
You must do this even if your bank details on s3p are already correct.
Once the university has received your bank details the money should be transferred within seven to 10 working days.
If you do not update your bank details by September 2023 you will unfortunately receive no compensation.