Newcastle University climbs six places to top 30 in new UK uni league table

Newcastle is with the likes of Northumbria and Sheffield Unis which also saw a drastic increase in position ranking

Newcastle University is the 30th best university in the UK, according to the new Complete University League rankings by the Complete University Guide.

This is a six place increase in its position ranking compared to last year where it ranked 36th. It is also with the likes of Northumbria and Sheffield having a more than five place increase in position ranking. They all join Nottingham, Glasgow and Liverpool in the top 30.

In previous years, 2022 and 2021 respectively, the uni ranked 37th and 23rd, so hopefully this increase is a return to form for Newcastle to possibly get back in the top 20.

This is a great feat nonetheless for Newcastle considering 130 universities were ranked, based on entry requirements, graduate prospects, research quality.

It is ranked at 123rd for student satisfaction however, after a four place drop from last year. It scored a 3.71/5 making it quite close to the very bottom of the ranking.

However, it ranked at 26th for the outcome of graduate prospects, scoring a 79.3/100, putting it in the same ball park as Leeds and York.

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