

GMP: Why are you targeting house parties instead of keeping rapists off the streets?

‘I carry pepper spray to walk to the bus stop’

Store Street is so much better

Apart from the loos

I’m going to Parklife and I won’t be taking MD

It’s a cliche but it’s true – you don’t need drugs for a good time

Manchester has ruined my life

From making me fat to ruining my dress sense, Manchester is destroying my soul

Exams are a waste of time

It’s that time of year that everyone hates, but realistically, spending all day in the library to revise for exams is a load of rubbish

Your relationship is ruining your uni life

We get it, you’re in a relationship. Here’s five reasons why you shouldn’t be.

Ali G is bum out

It’s been around for a while now and it’s one of uni’s biggest selling points, but we all know it’s nothing compared to our old friend, John Rylands

It is selfish to strike

With lecturers threatening not to mark exams, Riana Goldman asks whether they’re just being greedy

Heard something you think
we should know?

We want to look into your case


House parties are better than nights out

As budgets get tighter towards the end of the term, more house parties are cropping up – and realistically, they’re better than typical nights out

£9000 a year and it’s not even worth it

Tuition fees have taken a 9-fold increase but this hasn’t been justified

Are students screwed?

Is that degree really worth it? We’re all going to end up in an office anyway

The truth about boarding school: the girls

Think you know everything about what a private girls’ school is like? Think again.

The SU is a democratic sham

Want our vote? Stop banning everything and start governing in our name.

Sankeys: worth the hype?

It’s tipped as one of Manchester’s best clubs – but Sankeys really isn’t all it’s made out to be

Last orders: Stop criticising students for having a drink

It’s time for the killjoys to stop taking the spirit out of student drinking

My landlord is a lovely man

No, seriously