KCL Confessions accused of trying to ‘dox’ man snapped ‘walking past’ pro-Israel protest

‘Guy at the front right not involved at all, this post should be taken down immediately’

KCL Confessions has been accused of trying to “dox” a man who was photographed walking past a pro-Israel protest.

Following pro-Palestine and pro-Israel protests on Monday 9th October on King’s College London’s Strand Campus, a post was made to KCL Confessions Instagram page which appeared to show an anonymous person wanting to identify alleged pro-Israel protestors.

The anonymous person sent the post messaged the page with an image of the alleged protestors, saying: “Anyway we can get names to these faces?”

Immediately, the now-deleted post incurred a flurry of comments showing shock at how the page appeared to accuse a student walking past the protest as being involved as he was in the front of the image. Comments were in support of the accused student and were urging the post to be taken down.

One commented: “Guy at the front right not involved at all, this post should be taken down immediately.”

More commenters criticised the poster, saying: “Why don’t u delete this instead of knowingly posting a non affiliated person? You have multiple options of photos where he is not included.”

With another adding: “My face when doxxing people because they don’t agree with me.”

A fourth also questioned the account, asking: “Wtf are you encouraging?”

The student pictured at the front of the protest, Dom Horsman, thanked commenters for their support, calling it “insane” that he’s been included in the post.

He commented on the post: “Come on now the only reason to keep this post up is because it has engagements and the engagements are all about the fact it shouldn’t be up.”

The King’s Tab spoke to Dom who explained he was just walking past the Israel supporters, and that he was shocked to have seen himself on the post, in which a friend had sent over to him.

He said: “I was really surprised to see myself on there. I immediately felt very anxious…At first glance the post looked like I was at the front of Israel supporters.

“I was worried that people would think I was involved and would be associated with it.”

Moreover, speaking of the page, KCL Confessions, Dom expressed how he feels it has a “reputation for false information.”

Dom also told The King’s Tab that tried to contact KCL Confessions regarding removing the post but says the page “still hasn’t opened my message.”

However, he noted that the page has limited the comments underneath the post and described how he feels that social media can be “so disruptive and lawless and the only people that can fix it are the posters themselves.”

Finally, speaking of his views on the current conflict between Palestine and Israel in the Middle East, Dom articulated how he is “vehemently pro-Palestine”, saying, “I feel disturbed that there has been so much discourse over this post when the most important thing is the real Palestinian lives have been affected.”

KCL Confessions was contacted by The King’s Tab, who forwarded statements made by Dom and commenters under the post.

The page responded: “We have not received a message from Dom asking for the post to be removed. Our policy is very clear. We post anything we receive, and we will only remove it if we are asked to by the person who has been affected by it, and the request is reasonable.”

KCL Confessions maintains it did not receive any direct messages from Dom nor see his comment underneath the post, despite screenshot evidence of the messages shown to the page.

They said: “We have not received the DM but we will delete [the post].”

When asked if they wished to comment any further on the contents of this article, the page declined.

KCL Confessions has since removed the post from its page and the original photographer who posted the image has cropped Dom from the photo.

The original pro-Palestine protest took place for several hours Monday afternoon, with hundreds of students involved outside King’s Building on Strand Campus. Students were chanting and clapping in calls for a ceasefire and holding up “Free Palestine, End Israeli Occupation” signs. There was also a counter-protest taking place by pro-Israel supporters, which is who Dom was photographed in front of.

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