
Snail throwing? Is that why we’re paying £9k?

Scientific research makes students question University’s tuition fees

Stressed Snails Become Forgetful

Recent research shows that stressful situations make pond snails forgetful

Scientists go sharking

It’s like shark week but in no way as exciting

Breast Cancer breakthrough

Exeter PHD student hopes to revolutionise breast cancer testing

Exeter’s science dons awarded £5 million

Grants totaling £5 million have been awarded to The University of Exeter’s leading scientists

Glowing Crotches and colourful sweat patches

Ever lusted after a pair of trousers that lit up when you lunged? Or a t-shirt that lets everyone know you’re hot and sweaty by changing colour?

I do not feel shit about being single, and you can’t make me

Imogen Groome defends single people and left-handed people everywhere!

MP let loose in the lab

Benny Bradshaw on campus in MP-scientist partnership.