SEX SURVEY: Who has the most STIs?

Meet the local team

SEX SURVEY: the Results are in, and Belfast ain’t gettin’ any

The average QUB student has shagged just 3 people, our extensive sex survey reveals.

Places to avoid on Valentine’s Day

There are certain places which, come the 14th of February, should be avoided like the plague. It’s The Purge people, time to lock down and avoid reality until V Day is over.

Who needs Romance when you’ve got #Shiftnominate?

First Neknoms, then RAK Noms (Random act of Kindness, yeah), now Shiftnoms. Please stop.

Lies to tell yourself this Semester

Exams are over. Results are in. You didn’t do too badly but you are not quite where you want to be. But don’t worry! There is always this new semester when you can really apply yourself and bring that grade average up. Right?

Elms Village gets a rosy Valentine’s treat

Let’s talk about SAFE, baby.

5 ways to spend Valentine’s Day if you’re single

So Valentine’s Day has come around again, a time for loved up couples to rub their love in everybody’s faces and for all the lonely singletons to hole themselves up and wait for the dreaded 24 hours to pass.

QUB Law Graduate: I’m sorry for drinking a goldfish for my Neknomination

Queen’s University Belfast law graduate Rachel Carey apologises after consuming a goldfish in her #NekNomination video.

Successful Medical Students Wrongly Branded ‘Failures’ by QUB

Two Queen’s Medical students were told they had failed their final examinations at the end of last term when they had actually passed, due to a ‘computer glitch’ in the marking system.

5 under a Fiver: Valentine’s Day Gifts

So you’ve wasted all your loan already and just remembered it’s Valentine’s Day this Friday. Don’t panic, we’ve got your sorted.

Students and the First World Problem

Ever heard of the concept of first-world problems? Of course you have, because if uni teaches you anything it’s that life is so hard, horrendous and downright difficult.