How to Date a Guy in 6 Minutes

Meet the local team

QUBSU’s Student Officer Campaign: Election vs Application

QUBSU announced it’s Student Officer Elections this year with a new twist, instead of creating a fair democracy and equal representation it’s described as a “job” with “great perks” that you have to apply for. Great, well done QUBSU.

Pre-drinks are no more a “new trend” than going to a club is. Just ask your parents

In the aftermath of Hardwellgate, our “prinking” culture has been saddled with the blame for the ‘major incident’ where hundreds of inebriated tweens received medical treatment

Hundreds sign petition to stop animal slaughter at QUB

Last year The Tab broke the exclusive story of the thousands of animals killed in the name of research by QUB

The sexuality league: QUB is only 9% LGBT

11% of UK university students are gay, our survey reveals

SWOT’s Got Style

SWOT kicked off the week in style this Monday night with their annual fashion show.

South Belfast Residents Protest against QUB building plans

30+ local residents from Sans Souci Park, South Belfast have held a protest against plans by Queen’s University to further extend student accommodation in the area.

The Ultimate Student Slacker Guide

Students have officially sussed out how to be a slacker, but are you as bad as this?

What’s on this Week

Check out another edition of our weekly ‘What’s On’, helping you suss out your entire week effortlessly on Sunday night!

The “Ageing Revolution” researched by QUB’s Professor Young

Queen’s has undertaken research into what could be the most hardcore revolution since 1917.

Student Food: The Fair and the Foul

We at The Tab have slogged through the Food Standards Agency’s hygiene ratings to bring you the truth about your favourite food spots.