Happy St Patrick’s Day

Meet the local team

Inevitable endings to St Patrick’s Day

We’ve already provided you with a step-by-step guide to Monday’s celebrations, now it’s time to realize where you’ll end up after a day of debauchery.

Blast bomb thrown at PSNI in West Belfast

An explosion in the west of the city last night caused a social media storm. Supposedly loud enough to be heard in South Belfast, the blast was eventually confirmed as a bomb attack on police.

How to Prepare for St. Patrick’s Day

Are you ready for one of the biggest days in the student year? Follow this guide to help you prepare.

What’s On this St. Paddy’s Day

Every Sunday we sort out your social life by planning your ‘What’s On’ for the week. This week’s is a special St Patrick’s Day edition. Just in case you didn’t know what you’re doing this Monday (apart from being drunk), we’re here to help.

How to do St Paddy’s like an Irishman

Because if you’re going to celebrate this March 17th, then you have to do it right

Belfast finishes 29th in World Selfie-taking race

We come 4th in the UK in taking pictures our face. #nofilter #thetab

International Students at QUB set to treble by 2020

New QUB Vice-Chancellor Professor Patrick Johnston aims to triple the amount of foreign international students within the next seven years.

COMPETITION: Win four VIP Saturdays at Parlour

Like the photo pinned to the top of our Facebook page for your shot at winning!

Creep what you sow: Collegetimes ‘Creep of the Week’ feature slammed as ‘sexist’

Popular Irish student website Collegetimes has uploaded over fifty ‘students’ Facebook profiles, often without their permission.

I gave up my Facebook for a week…and survived just fine.

It indulges the stalker inside us all, so what was it like to go cold turkey and delete Facebook from my life for a week?