St Patrick’s Day sexual assault in Holylands area

Meet the local team

Alleged stalker of QUB student banned from every Northern Irish Hospital

Andrew Hughes has been accused of following his medical worker ex-partner into her place of Study and facilities at Queen’s University Belfast, therefore breaching an injunction forbidding harassment on the woman.

Craigslist Creepers: What’s up for sale in Belfast?

So we’re getting into assignment time, and more and more creative ways to procrastinate are always needed.

5 Ways to Ruin a House Party

We all love a good house party or drinking session before heading out. So follow our guide and identify the top 5 ways you can avoid ruining it for the hosts or yourselves…

Brian O’Driscoll to receive honorary degree from QUB

Queens’ has just announced the twelve people who will be awarded this summer with an honorary degree, and of course King Brian O’Driscoll tops the list.

I tried pole dancing, and I loved it

Pole-dancing: not just for strippers.

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QUB Holocaust Memorial Day: Journeys

On Wednesday 12th March two students from Queens organised a visit from Joanna Millan who was a survivor from Theresienstadt concentration camp just outside of Prague.

Scandal over Viral video of PSNI dumping woman in street

Disturbing footage of unacceptable police behaviour towards a vulnerable individual on St Patrick’s Day in Derry

I did St Patrick’s Day…sober

God help me

Things the English don’t know about Norn Iron

For an English student coming to QUB, there’s an awful lot we won’t understand about Belfast. Is it Row-sheen? Roy-sin? Raisin?