Kim Kardashian memes

Kim Kardashian has purchased these 22 memes about her spending habits for $1.2 million

Hayley Cropper’s red coat? Priceless

Kim Kardashian clearly didn’t learn her lesson when she borrowed Marilyn Monroe’s dress, or when she altered the McQueen oyster dress – because she just bidded a small fortune on the cross necklace that belonged to Princess Diana. Whether your in the camp that don’t give a shite about such frivolous purchases or want to riot on the streets shouting “SACRILEGE” at the top of your lungs, there’s one thing we can agree on. The memes about whatever silly celeb memorabilia Kim Kardashian is next on her purchased list are absolutely hilarious – here are a load of the funniest.

1. Worth every penny

2. She’s getting bored here!

3. He’s only a fad, she needs a refund

4. Jerv merch alert

5. An eye-watering sum but that’s what you pay for history I guess

6. If she harms this there’ll be hell to pay

7. MY crown jewels

8. The Coronation Street equivalent of Don’t Look Now

9. No I’m actually done hahaha

10. Surely not all five?

11. Hi everyone! It’s Kardashian night!

12. Met Gala is the only place for it

13. Mother! Has arrived

14. Some things should be left untouched

15. Not Lizzie lettuce!!!

16. Ashley Cole is quaking and shaking – of all the memes it’s this one where Kim Kardashian took it too far!

15. Keep it


17. You’d have it on a plank wouldn’t you? I think 

18. She loves her soaps merch

19. If that’s the case, she should have put them back on the rack

20. Absolutely had enough this is pure evil haha

21. So excited for this legendary debut

22. The wardrobe dress made Gemma Collins the British Kim Kardashian so only seems right


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