These 21 memes are painfully relatable if you’re already horny two days into isolation

Really regretting not sleeping with that guy now

Even with a global pandemic going on, the threat of lock down and WWII style rationing, it’s clear the number one thing on everyone’s mind is still getting some dick.

People are horny, thirsty and getting VERY frustrated during isolation. Social distancing means putting your Tinder dates, one night stands and committed relationships on the back burner and having to invest in some quality alone time. Sales of sex toys have risen by 13 per cent in the UK so clearly people are finding something to satisfy themselves.

Some people are using quarantine to reflect on when their last decent shag was and their regrets at not being more of a hoe. And they’re making lots of memes about it.

No one is getting any, so we may as well as come together and despair over our pitiful sex lives.

Here are the thirstiest memes to remind you we’re all horny and in this together:

1. The dick is worth it tbf

2. If we ever survive

3. COVID-19 still doesn’t mean we’re sending nudes

4. You lasted four days? That’s impressive, I was out at two

5. The regret is real

6. End of the world and still no one is interested

7. Finally!!!

8. It’s extremely serious

9. Need to focus on the bigger picture

10. Vegan butter shouldn’t be doing this to me

11. It’s been soooo long

12. Just slightly messed up

13. Find Jesus people

14. Desperate times

15. I’m listening

16. The side effect of isolation no one needed

17. Wow, for once I’ve reached peak levels of cool

18. When you want the dick but you’re also social distancing

19. Lol

20. Thanks mum for reminding me I’m not seeing anyone whilst the world ends

21. Mood for the next few months

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