Student protest at Glasgow University ends following agreements for talks

Pro-Palestine protestors have now vacated the Sir Charles Wilson Building

Yesterday’s student protest at the University of Glasgow has ended following an agreements for talks.

Student protesters from GAAF and GUJPS have vacated the Sir Charles Wilson Building after securing a commitment for a meeting with University Secretary David Duncan.

The demonstration, which began yesterday morning, involved approximately 30 students occupying the building. Three activists also declared they would go on hunger strike until their demands were met.

The protesters called for the university to immediately divest from arms companies, end research partnerships with weapon manufacturers, ban what they describe as “Zionist” and arms companies from campus, and grant immunity for all students participating in the protest.

According to the Hillhead Review, at approximately 4:15pm, the protesters left the building following confirmation that Mr Duncan would meet with them in the coming days to discuss their demands. No arrests were made.

In a statement to supporters outside, the protesters expressed cautious optimism about the upcoming discussions.

The occupation mirrored a similar protest at 11 University Gardens last year, which concluded after two weeks with a commitment from the university to establish a working group to address divestment concerns. However, GAAF later accused the university of engaging in “bad faith” negotiations, leading to the collapse of those talks.

Following yesterday’s protest, Mr Duncan issued an email to students and staff at 4:30pm, providing an update on the demonstration which caused “disruption to classes”.

He explained the police “persuaded the protestors to leave” and that no arrests were made.

He further added: “I have agreed to meet with representatives of the group over the next few days.”

He also apologised for the disruption, noting the university does not “tolerate activities which interfere with the rights of others to go about their business in peace”. However, said that the institution does uphold the right for staff and students to protest peacefully.

The university has yet to confirm the date and terms of the upcoming meeting with the activists. GAAF and GUJPS have stated that they will continue their campaign until their demands are addressed.

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