Edinburgh Clubbers of the Week: Taking the stairway to heaven in week seven
We’re back and feeling more refreshed than ever. Club anyone?
Midterms are over and life is finally good again. The sun is out, Lady Gaga has released a new album, and the city is starting to regain its summer glow. After a stressful week of essays, exams, and whatever other evil assessment the Edinburgh overlords have conjured up, the time has come for a well-earned week of R&R. For some, celebration takes the form of a civilised night in with tea and TV, but for our clubbers of the week nothing is better to unwind than a feral night on the dance floor.
Stunner of the Week:


This is what clubbing should feel like

I love when couples match each other’s slay

This diva came straight out of a Euphoria scene

Need I say more?

Shantay you stay
Wanker of the Week:
Most Read

His hair looks like the new Manchester United stadium

ew. but we love a king who wears ear protection!

Eurgh I don’t want to see your armpit?

I will never understand why people keep doing this smh

Unhappy Clubber of the Week:

Slightly concerned here- are you singing or wailing?

Me when people WONT STOP SHOVING!


BOMBASTIC side-eye

Me trying not to throw up the five venoms I consumed
Creeper of the Week:

Stop looking at me. Pleak

This is not the close to you Gracie Abrams sang about…

Everything about this photos is giving uncanny valley


You were done dirty diva x
Hero of the Week:

Jesus died for our sins committed in Subway

I hope to reach this level of happiness in Why Not

“Hello hello baby you called I can’t hear a thing…”

Hot girl summer is on the horizon…

This ain’t his first rodeo

I don’t know either sorry
Heroine of the Week:

The angel and devil on my shoulder telling me to get that next tequila shot

Protecting yourself from the smell of Hive should always be number one priority

If you’re happy and you know it clap your hands

Valid reaction tbh

diva diva diva
WTF Moment of the Week:


DIVA DOWN….. you are crazy for not covering that hickey btw

Oh she want that cookie

Not sure what’s worse the sneaky face or the waterproof coat?

So this is insane
Best of the Rest:

POV: Patiently waiting for my venom


It’s giving you’re only there for the massive bottle of vodka lol

It’s always a man at the scene of the crime

Well now I want a bucket hat

Living for the chaos of this photo

@LoveWednesdays please can I have a bucket hat xx (don’t make me ask again <3)

Diva you are GLOWING

Mood now that the new Gaga album is out

I think only one person wanted this to happen

“How many doubles did you have tonight?”

Friend or cake?
Photo Credits:
Hive (Thomas Image Photography)
Subway (David Stewart)
Love Wednesdays (Kealan Bond)