Young Sheldon fans discovered a hidden Easter egg when you call the Cooper’s home number

They really thought of everything

Although it’s packed full of little details, fans of Young Sheldon have worked out another Easter egg in the show which is actually pretty clever.

Eagled eyed viewers have worked out a lot of hidden details over the years, including a number of plot holes, but this niche edit was a seriously creative addition.

Sheldon discusses a plethora of topics across the seven seasons of the series, but he also happens to mention the Cooper’s family’s home phone number in season two.

young sheldon phone number

via CBS

Titled A Nuclear Reactor and a Boy Called Lovey, Sheldon reveals both the landline number, (409) 356-6049, and the family’s home address, 5501 Grant Ave, Medford, TX.

The number is also displayed on the desk touchtone phone’s number tag. But some seriously bored (or seriously curious) fans worked out that if you call the phone number from a regular phone, you will actually reach the Cooper’s answering machine. The message is an outgoing answering machine message from the family, complete with a funny message from Sheldon himself at the end. 

The number can also be called from phones in the UK, but would just need a +1 added before the digits.

Not only that, but one super fan on Reddit discovered that if you look up the phone number in the online US phone book, it registers under Sheldon Cooper, aged 44. It also lists the address in California, which is another specific detail only fans of the show and The Big Bang Theory would appreciate.

Someone somewhere is so dedicated to the bit that they went all out to create a digital footprint for Sheldon. Between both the production team and its die hard fans, they really did think of everything.

Featured image via CBS

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More on: Young Sheldon