21 New Year’s resolutions all Liverpool students should stick to for 2025, but defo won’t
You have to buy me one fat frog every time you text your ex next year
Is a new year, new you right around the corner as we all pop to the shops to buy our green grapes and red underwear in preparation for the big night? Even if you haven’t fallen victim to the TikTok trends going into 2025, no doubt you’ve promised yourself that you’ll sign up for the uni gym and stop forgetting your cash on a Monday night at The Raz.
All students in Liverpool have their vices – the Elf Bars can only get you through a few days of seasonal depression and withdrawals from your mum’s Christmas dinner before you’re up at 3am making a vision board and completely reinventing yourself. So whether you’re looking to give up fat frogs, find the love of your life skating by the Pier Head, or just want to attend more than two lectures a week, you’re in the right place.
Hopefully these resolutions for 2025 will fill you with hope and ambition rather than the all-consuming feeling of guilt and paranoia we’ve all experienced at some point. No doubt you won’t follow any of them and still end up being that one third year who’s blackout drunk at AU night. Happy New Year!
Stop trying to find your lost parcel on the Smithdown Matters Facebook page
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Let’s face it, a middle aged scouser is probably trying on your Oh Polly parcel as we speak. You can only pray that you’ve not lost the envelope that has your missing ID in it, or any birthday money from your grandparents. There’s only so many times you can ask for the neighbours’ names from the house opposite you, and sometimes you just have to come to terms with the fact that your Vinted parcel has become part of a student house’s secret Santa for the year.
Cut down the amount of cash you bring out on a Monday at The Raz
Realistically speaking, telling a medical professional that you consumed 34 raz-bombs the night before a 9am lecture should genuinely be a criminal offence. Adding in the fact that that only cost you £37 in total with entry, they’ll probably give you a pat on the back, but your housemates certainly won’t be celebrating your achievements when you’re throwing up against a lamppost whilst simultaneously crying at the transaction notifications from your bank. Getting a grip is a commendable feat, we promise.
Start wearing multiple layers to the Grove Wing of the Sydney Jones
Alternatively, start protesting against the energy saving in all the libraries and make them turn the heating on. Why is it so cold and why do I never learn to pack a jumper?
Stop regretting which modules you picked last year (and complaining about it)
It’s literally your fault that you picked that one really niche module about Northern Irish art history or coding obscure maths data in Spanish, sorry. Maybe your goal for 2025 is to fulfil the academic weapon role you thought you’d adopt after your first year at uni.
Stop getting blackout drunk at pres…
I wish I took a mental note of my alcohol tolerance every time I got caught throwing up outside The Lime Kiln but you win some, you lose some I suppose. Sometimes necking an entire bottle of cheap wine from Wag 1 Offy isn’t the move, and you definitely don’t need that concoction of leftover gin, out of date fruit juice and off brand lemonade to take with you as “journey juice”. Maybe Dry January would be a good idea for you x
But start ACTUALLY going to pres
No doubt you’re getting paralytic before every night out because you’re only doing one every three months – stop saying no to social plans just because you’ve got assignments to do or CVs to write. The time will make itself for your uni work, but never stops when it comes to piling in an Uber at 3am with no plans, just a few weird props you acquired from the living room floor. It’s all well and good entering your intelligent era next year, but you deserve to let your hair down too. You’ll regret it otherwise, trust me.
Start washing up everything in the sink of your uni kitchen
Sink does not equal dumping ground for crusty pasta bowls.
Stop making friends with the bossmen on Leece Street
As hilarious as it was to be a fresher behind the counter in Hot n Tender, there’s nothing more embarrassing than seeing videos of drunk you taking orders from a confused bunch of third years just popping in for a kebab. Save yourself the shame of initiating a love story with the chicken shop man.
Stop adding to the bin mountain
Start walking from Smithdown to uni even when your mates don’t go
The feeling of betrayal you experience when you wake up in time for a 10am, get yourself ready with the expectation that all of your coursemates are meeting you on the way to walk to campus, and then seeing that they haven’t been active for 14 hours, is incomparable to anything else. The brand new 2025 you should be brave enough to trek from Smithdown to South Campus Teaching Hub solo, even on a chilly morning. Use it as your hot girl walk and opportunity to listen to a weirdly niche podcast, or stomp along to your “misty mountain solo self reflection main character moment jams” daylist on Spotify.
Start giving yourself a break from uni assignments
Along the same lines of actually having a night off to head out on the town with your flatmates, having a relaxing evening tucked up on the sofa with a friend or two can do you wonders mid-semester. There’s only so many late night study sessions you can pull off before you’re burnt out and start to convince yourself that your housemates have forgotten that you exist and you’ll never find a graduate job with an arts degree. So not true! Have a break, have a self care night, have a cheeky takeaway. You deserve it.
Stop spending half your student loan on sweet treats
However, when you do manage to get that 4000 word assignment started, spending £3 on a pastry after every 150 words is actually quite bad for your bank account – or so I’ve heard.
Start saying no to Concert Square for a night out
We’ve all got that one friend that wants to start the night in SOHO or MODO for the “vibes” but you always end up feeling sober, freezing cold and no longer excited to go out. There are so many venues and clubs in Liverpool to test out once or twice, so make a list with your friends of your ideal places to visit and branch out a little! The nightlife scene in town defo stretches further than Concert Square and Quick Burger, you just have to look for it.
Stop texting your ex
If they’re an avid Skint goer, on any of the snowsports society boards at John Moores, or genuinely disagree that pineapple doesn’t belong on pizza, then they’re not for you I’m afraid. Get those grapes down you on New Year’s babe.
Stop avoiding walking up Brownlow Hill
What happened to those 75 hard plans you made, eh? Taking the long way through campus to avoid clambering up Brownlow Hill is not part of the hot girl gym aesthetic you put on your vision board for 2025. Get those legs moving and squint through your tears, it’s not that bad. Joking. LOL.
Start making time to visit your friends or invite them to visit you
A little bit of home never does anyone any harm. Dragging your home friends up to Liverpool to give them a tour around the Docks and Baltic Market will help you take your mind off things when you’re fighting those winter blues. Sometimes you just need that comfort of getting wine drunk with your best friends in a different city – making time for this in the new year can do wonders for you.
Stop being scared of the teenagers on Lawrence Road
Seriously though, why are they so scary?
Start making moves on your library crush
Our Library Crush feature on Instagram hears, sees and knows everything you’d be dying to know about everyone’s love lives on campus, believe me. There’s nothing more exhilarating than noticing the love of your uni life sitting across from you in the Hogwarts room in the Harold Cohen, or brushing past them on the stairs in the Sydney Jones. I expect to see you all flirting in the Starbucks in time for Valentine’s Day this year.
Stop putting the attendance code in for seminars after 11am
If it’s past 11am just get a grip and go onto campus, surely? The only exception MIGHT be the Thursday after AU night, but you’re admitting your weaknesses if you’re asking the course group chat for the attendance code for the 2pm seminar.
Stop being afraid to do things solo
Liverpool is an incredible city with so many activities and places to visit – if none of them take the fancy of your friends or housemates, don’t be afraid to go and explore things on your own! Incorporating solo dates into your resolutions for 2025 is so cute and VERY mindful.
Start applying to jobs to fuel your Gourmet Grill/Nabzy’s/Harper’s addiction
There’s only so far a trust fund will stretch when it comes to cheesy chips and gyros unfortunately.
Take our advice and run with it – we know you won’t stick to any of these resolutions and can’t wait to hear how miserable we all feel by the Easter break. If you manage to find a way to romanticise January and the dreaded exam season, please let us know.