How far do eliminated contestants on Beast Games actually drop and where do they vanish to?

The scream I would let out

Right, there’s an absolutely terrifying way that contestants are eliminated on Beast Games, and yes it obviously involves trap doors because we’ve already established MrBeast is in his supervillain era.

When contestants are eliminated from Beast Games they dramatically drop from the platform they’re standing on through trap doors and into the mysterious depth below.

But this leaves me with so many questions, like how far they plummet and where they even end up? So, let’s find out together!

Well, as it is the Beast Games host himself has very kindly answered all of these questions for us, revealing each of the trap doors lead to a 10ft drop before landing in a humongous pile of foam.

YouTuber Jon Youshaei interviewed MrBeast about the trap door, with the show’s host revealing all the secrets of where and what the contestants fall into.

Via Amazon

He revealed: “These things, although it doesn’t look like it, are severely padded. Even if you hit your head on it, you wouldn’t feel it.

“What they fall into is four feet of foam and then a crash pad. You’re more likely to drown in foam than you are to get hurt when you fall. We worked with the same stunt crew that does all big action movies and that kind of stuff.”

He added: “Because the entire top of the tower, you can’t tell because we painted it, but that is just really thick foam. We did 5,000 test drops before we filmed this and obviously no one got hurt in it.

He went on to say: “You know the foam pits where you jump on trampolines like 20-30 feet in the air and then you fall and people do all these backflips. That’s essentially a bunch of foam and then underneath the foam is a crash mat as well.”

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More on: Beast Games Mr Beast YouTube