Sheffield students’ anti-harassment campaign to hold exhibition this weekend
The showcase will feature photographs from Cat Calls of Sheff’s city-wide ‘Chalk Back’ campaign
Catcalls of Sheff, a Sheffield-based “Chalk Back” campaign, is holding a gallery exhibition starting this Friday.
The exhibition, “Chalking for Change”, will feature photographs from the chalking that the campaign does of anonymous experiences of harassment across the city with a focus on chalking being used as a form of activism.
It will take place from the 13th to 20th December at 58 Haymarket, Sheffield.
A spokesperson for Catcalls of Sheff said: “The opening night will feature a raffle to raise money for the campaign, a talk by co-founders Babhravi Krishnan and Flo Rushton and an opportunity to get involved with chalking as well!”
Refreshments will also be provided at the event.
They continued: “Being able to show our activism outside of social media is so important – we’re wanting to create community change and therefore engaging within the community is so important.
“We can’t wait to see everyone throughout the week, we’ve worked so hard on it so it’s truly so exciting for us!”
The exhibition is in collaboration with Arts in the Right Place, a “contemporary arts collective” here in Sheffield.
Chalk Back is a worldwide movement that “gives people a place to share their stories, raise public awareness and ultimately denormalise gender-based harassment”.
Many of the Chalk Back accounts do this by chalking real life, anonymous experiences of harassment in the area they took place, and posting it on social media.
Catcalls of Sheff are getting bigger by the day, their Instagram now having over 2,000 followers, despite only starting earlier this year, and their new website launched in November.
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They have also had multiple training sessions, growing their team of volunteers and “chalkers” constantly.
The exhibition will be open, provisionally, from 12-6pm on weekdays, and 12-7pm on weekends.
Follow @catcallsofsheff on Instagram for updates.
Featured image via @catcallsofsheff on Instagram.