Here’s a definitive list of Friends characters as University of Leeds degrees
We’d all love to bump into Joey on campus…
With the autumn days gradually getting shorter and colder, there is nothing better than snuggling in bed with your blanket and hot chocolate after a long day at uni, and re-binge watching your favourite show… or maybe even re-re-re-binging it like me.
And does anyone not like Friends? It is an absolute classic full of iconic laughs and quotes which we all know and love. Plus, it’s feel-good, easy watching is perfect for new and old uni students alike, to wind down when it all gets a bit much out there.
But what would these iconic characters study if they went to the University of Leeds?
The only sensible place to start is with the most obvious, a fashion marketing degree for Rachel Green. No one can argue that fashion marketing students all start with a great love for clothes and just like Rachel, they’ve decided to go to uni so they can “get one of those job things.”
They walk around looking effortlessly flawless everyday with their iced coffee in hand (from Nero more likely than Central Perk) and can’t walk for five minutes on campus without bumping into a friend.
They are never seen in the same outfit twice and seem to be hard-core party-girls, unbothered about having a cheeky vodka cran (or four) the night before a 9am lecture – just like Rachel’s hard party night before her SATs.
I mean – who else would describe themself as a shoe? “It’s a metaphor, Daddy.”
Unfortunately for our favourite palaeontologist, his most obvious dinosaur focussed degree is unavailable at Leeds, but hear me out… law screams Ross Geller.
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Not only is Ross one to strongly plead his case of “we were on a break” to anyone he can, but with all those divorces, some legal action and aid seems useful… and a far cheaper route.
Pivoting around their modern, fancy building on campus, we all know Leeds’ soon-to-be lawyers fancy themselves as the the Elle Woods and Harvey Specters of our generation.
And now you’re here, I’m guessing someone eating your sandwich would probably send you over the edge as well – am I right?
There is no denying that our Chef Monica is a control freak and perfectionist who “is only harsh with people… because they are doing it wrong”. Who does this remind us of at Leeds? You got it… food science and nutrition.
You guys always know your way to the healthiest lifestyle – with no room for error – and actually eat more than just pesto pasta and oven pizzas every night.
So yes, take a bow – you deserve it.
Wonderfully weird Pheebs is easy to place. There is one kind of person who could write “Smelly Cat” and choose to learn about Jane Eyre in later life, robots and all, and that is a joint honours music and English literature degree.
English and music at Leeds seem to contain the edgy, silent types who occupy the coolest, hip spots, like Hyde Park Book Club or Belgrave in their spare time. They always find the best pieces in charity-shops, and more often than not are either vegetarian, vegan or passionate about saving the environment.
And they just cannot resist snapping a quick pic of every campus bunny they spot – guys they live there and you are going to see them a lot.
The old academia, music producing type is Phoebe to an absolute (English) tea.
Does anyone really know what Chandler is doing when not spending his days delivering quality one-liners, providing sarcastic comments or drinking coffee with his friends? Was it a “transponster”?
In three words, Chandler is definitely one to study a computer science degree.
What do you guys actually do? Does anyone know?
Joey is definitely by far the hardest to place as a degree with there being so many options.
Italian (absolutely not French) could portray his Tribbiani routes and love for pizza, but also theatre and performance sum him up very well having been in Days of Our Lives.
But thinking of Joey and which crowd he would suit on Leeds’ campus, it’s fair to say that there is one correct answer: Sociology.
The chances are you’re at university for the “uni experience”, more than anything else. Clubs, bars, student nights, lie-ins and junk food! And it’s fair to say, he would be too.
We may have come to the end of the six infamous friends, but they always leave someone out. So let’s finish on our favourite barista, the one and only, bleach blonde Gunther.
This poor man, obsessed over the same girl for years, with a mysterious past and home life who is always and I mean ALWAYS in the same place?
Medicine springs to mind. You guys are always in the Health Sciences library and seem so far away from the rest of us.
We are all, of course, in awe of you but do you ever stop working? Are you all surviving on caffeine? How do you have time for…well… friends?
Featured image via Netflix.