New survey ranks Newcastle as third best university night out
What do you mean that York came second? And Durham came FIRST?
Being a student in Newcastle upon Tyne is increasingly less about taking pride in dissertations, lectures and attendance but instead about taking pride in clubs, pubs and how many trebs you can neck before a tactical chunder. Newcastle is renowned for its drinking prowess, and a survey is in the validate the toon’s students as both party animals and probably alcoholics.
Get Licensed studied the UK’s best and worst university cities for a night out, and its only surprising Newcastle ranked third because its not first, and also because Durham and York took first and second place? Sounds to me like the surveyors don’t know how to party with the Geordies x
However, like many Olympians competing with the best of the best (although I personally wouldn’t have considered York competition here, nor Durham the best) Newcastle students will take the bronze with grace and a couple pints down the pub to drown our sorrows.
After all, 7.92/10 isn’t the end of the world and Newcastle was described as “the undisputed champion of pubs”, which stirs the only kind of emotion that I can describe as getting a 65 on an assignment that you didn’t really put any effort in to, but graciously accept the grade, nonetheless.
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Despite Newcastle cruelly being robbed of the gold, Durham won by a staggering score of 9.44/10, excelling at wellbeing above all else. This, be aware it pains me to say, makes sense. I would feel safe too if there was the off chance of Harry Potter flying off campus on his broomstick to save me from some Voldemort looking muggers. Also, if you’ve ever had the displeasure of being stood in Bigg Market after two am, my bet is you’ve witnessed some horrors that would most likely plummet our score if the surveyors knew about them. Stay safe from the kebab wielding hooligans, please x
There is something Durham can never take from us, and that is our pubs. The glory of Osborne Road is a different sort of solace for students in Newcastle – the perfect place to spend your student loan on £2 pints and a Brack Burger. With an overwhelming 176 pubs per 100,000 people, students are spoilt for choice, although I know exactly where the whole student population will be on a Tuesday.
Bars and clubs in Newcastle are also 43 per 100,000 people – from Popworld and Flares to Greys and Shaker, there is something for everyone! Now compare this to the hell that is Coventry – nine clubs per 100,000 people. A moment of silence please. At least in Newcastle, if you embarrass yourself on Soho stairs, you can move on to a different club on the roster for a while. Not for those poor, club-deprived students of Coventry.
So, the students of Newcastle can sleep more soundly at night knowing there will always be a pub and a club waiting for them tomorrow. Also, knowing it could be worse. Could be Coventry x
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