Despite scoring zero in Olympics, Raygun now ranked as number one breakdancer in the world

Sorry but what is actually going on right now?!

In what is genuinely the funniest thing to have ever come out of the Olympics, Raygun is now ranked world number one in the world for breakdancing, despite the fact she scored a total of zero points for her routine.

But how did this even happen, and where did her three fellow breakdancers who actually won medals at the Olympics place in the world rankings?

Raygun scored 1,000 points when she won the WDSF Oceania Championships which was held in 2023, and through winning that she then qualified for the Olympics. Apparently, Olympic performances were not taken into consideration when working out the rankings, so between her previous five results, she managed to get the most points overall.


As a result, none of the three breakdancers who actually won medals have made it into the world ranking list which is slightly awkward. In contrast, the breakdancer who is second in the world after Raygun only scored 380 points in the world championships, in comparison to Raygun’s 1,000.

Just last month Raygun was asked by hosts of the Australian chat show, The Project, “Do you genuinely think you are the best female breaker in Australia?”, to which she clarified “Well, I think my record speaks to that.”

Raygun also blamed a “lack of resources” for her poor results, explaining that Australia needs more help in order to beat world champions in the sport.

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