Here are the 11 types of Liverpool students you’ll encounter on a Thursday night at Electrik
I think I’m the poster stealer wbu x
Electrik Warehouse – the place to be on a Thursday night when you’re out-out in Liverpool and you’re not quite in the mood for Dirty Antics at our beloved Heebies. Part and parcel of clubbing at university (and of the debrief the next morning, of course) is making a mental note of some of the most outrageous events and strangest people you come across during a night out. If you’ve already had the pleasure of being shoved around by sweaty indie kids wearing Stone Island on the Shindie floor then keep your eyes peeled next time you visit, as you’ll defo encounter some of these types of people on your next venture out. If not, then may this act as your pre-warning before your first trip – you’ll thank us later for being able to spot them.
1. The Shit Indie Disco promoters
Now, before you and your flatmates have even thought about sending that “pres for electrik?” text into the group chat, you’ll have 100 per cent encountered someone sharing their promo link to their Instagram Story alongside a god awful photo of them holding a sign up for the DJ at Shit Indie Disco. Don’t get me wrong, medals should be awarded to the reps for their dedication for Floor One, but I think those of us that battle through their relentless posting deserve some recognition too.
2. The free entry tattooers
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Picture this: You’ve made it to the queue, you think you’re safe and protected from the hardcore Electrik go-ers, and you and the group are simply arguing over which floor to hit first when you get in (absolutely none of them are suggesting the Emo Room, BTW). Wrong. Look what’s in front of you. The product of an extremely drunk night out where a whole set of mates decided to get lightning bolt tattoos to bag themselves free entry to Electrik for life – not a bad shout if you ask me. Those £5 entry fees sure add up at the end of the year. Anyway, you bypass this lot and you’re in, but who’s next?
3. The animal statue climbers
If the phrase “iconic behaviour” had to be represented by one breed of person, it would have to be those drunk enough to have a little climb on top of the animals that live on the stairs before top floor. The warning signs dotted around the place never stopped anybody, right? There’s nothing more irresistible in Electrik than the big plastic gorilla covered in neon graffiti and lots and lots of vodka (we hope it’s vodka, anyway).
4. The fancy dress attention seekers
By the end of the semester, you would’ve eventually lost track of the amount of themed nights for Shindie and Pandamonium you’ve ordered emergency costumes for with your flatmate’s Amazon Prime, but you’ll never forget the fancy dress outfits you see at Electrik. From dressing up as Jacob Elordi in Saltburn to many the Matty Healy costume (often confused with Men in Black), one thing this place never lacks in is creativity. And just downright weirdness.
5. The Hinge matchers
Due to the sheer scale of Electrik Warehouse and lack of fish in the sea in Liverpool, there is a 90 per cent chance that you WILL bump into multiple people you’ve matched with on Tinder and Hinge while you’re out on a Thursday night. Avoid Pandamonium on the top floor at all costs if you’re not interested in seeing that one person (yes, that one) dancing embarrassingly on the stage to Pitbull while you watch from the bar. So awks.
6. The photo booth lovers
It’s such an easy formula for this one. Extremely drunk friend + Electrik photo booth = the worst strip of photos of you and your mates you’ll ever see in your life. And the worst part? Is that they play a live video on loop for all the club to see right outside the door. Maybe one of you will conveniently lose the pics on the walk home so you never have to face that shame again.
7. The Shit Indie Disco sign writers
In a completely different category to the reps and promoters come the Shindie sign writers, a personal highlight of mine when it comes to a night out on Floor One. You’re guaranteed to spend half of your night taking photos of funny signs and sending them to your mates who sadly couldn’t physically face another chaotic Thursday night out. Prepare to feature on their Instagram Story too if you do have the stamina to hold up a piece of floppy cardboard all night.
8. The ‘what floor u on’ texters
You’re bound to have one person in your friend group that can’t hack the maze of staircases and random corridors that make up Electrik. When you wake up in the morning to 22 unopened messages that go something along the lines of “i’m lost where r u guys can u come to emo floor” you’ll simply just hope and pray that they didn’t get confused getting back to their own bed that night. No doubt you’ll also be using the hippo statue as a marker for how high up the stairs you managed to get all on your own.
9. The poster stealers
The realisation for this one usually occurs when you open your bag the morning after and find multiple folded up posters that you’ve clearly pinched off the walls somewhere in Electrik. But hey, it’s evidence of a good night out, and free decor for your bland and boring uni room – even if the paper is a bit creased and worryingly sticky.
10. The Snapchat text song requester
Although not very niche, and definitely happens everywhere (not just in Electrik), you will always spot someone holding up their phone with a blank snap and big text requesting something that they think is super indie and cool – it’s probably going to be Dizzee Rascal, let’s be real. The DJ booths being so close to the crowd is both a blessing and a curse in this place.
11. The Jamie Webster chant starters
And to conclude, with what I’d personally like to label as potentially the worst thing you’ll ever experience on a Thursday out in Liverpool, are the chants that everyone on First Floor starts the second the DJ plays a Jamie Webster tune. Whether its “f**k the tories” or even “here we f**king go” (or some variation of any kind of football chant), you’re bound to encounter it at Shindie and it’s almost impossible to ignore. Save your footy songs for a Saturday babe, nobody wants to hear them x
But even after all that, we wouldn’t have it any other way. Electrik Warehouse you have a very special place in my (and many others’) heart, and you’ll forever be the best night out in Liverpool, even if everyone falls asleep in the Shindie deckchair and avoids Room Three like the plague. And we can’t wait to do it all over again for a whole new semester x
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