Wait, it turns out The Simpsons predicted the Glasgow Wonka carnage over 30 years ago

They even had our sad Oompa Loompa queen!

Guys, I’m freaking out right now because it looks like the Simpsons, once again, got a prediction spot on and this time it’s the Glasgow Willy Wonka experience catastrophe.

The whole world’s been in a frenzy over the last couple of days after the Glasgow Wonka fiasco went viral. The whole thing is chaotic and cursed and it’s safe to say that no one could have predicted it. But maybe someone already did? And of course, it’s The Simpsons.

The Simpsons has unknowingly predicted loads of huge world events years before they happened including Donald Trump’s presidency, the Titanic submersible disaster and Apple’s Vision Pro. But this time, an episode from over 30 years ago has predicted the Winka fiasco, including our queen Oompa Loompa, the quarter cup of Tesco-own brand lemonade and just the event as a whole.

In an episode first shown in 2013, Homer dreams of opening his own theme park, Homerland. The whole thing is uncannily similar to the Wonka experience and Homerland too really isn’t worth the money he charges for admission and Marge forces him to shut it down after loads of kids get injured. Much like the traumatised kids after The Unknown was set loose in Glasgow. One person on Twitter said: “The crazy part is that Homerland unironically looks 10x better.”

But the weird similarities don’t stop there, another episode also has a sad Oompa Loompa smoking a cigarette, much like our very own Oompa Loompa diva.

Wonka Simpsons

One of the funniest parts of the whole Wonka event was the refreshments the actors were told to give the kids: one single jelly bean and a quarter of a cup of Tesco’s own brand lemonade. And what else did the Simpsons also show over 30 years ago in an episode aired in 1993? An extremely overpriced lemonade! I will never be over this.

Wonka Simpsons

A House of Illuminati spokesperson said: “Today (Saturday February 24) has been a very stressful and frustrating day for many and for that we are truly sorry. Unfortunately, at the last minute we were let down in many areas of our event and tried our best to continue on and push through and now realise we probably should have cancelled first thing this morning instead. We fully apologise for what has happened and will be giving full refunds to each and every person that purchased tickets.”

“We planned a fabulous event and it just did not take shape as planned and for that we are truly sorry, we are devastated at how this has turned out and understand people’s anger and frustration that everyone has had, refunds have already started being issued and the rest should be over the coming days, again we are truly sorry to everyone.”

For more like this Simspons Wonka experience theory and all the latest viral memes, music and reality TV and entertainment news and gossip, like Pop Culture Shrine on Facebook.

Related stories recommended by this writer:

• Inside the disastrously bad Glasgow Willy Wonka ‘experience’ that had kids in tears

• ‘It’s embarrassing’: The Oompa Loompa from the Wonka experience has finally spoken out

• Man who played Wonka in Glasgow Willy Wonka ‘experience’ speaks out about the chaos

• Meet The Unknown, the made-up Glasgow Wonka experience villain who traumatised kids