10 things that scream you’re a Notts student without screaming you’re a Notts student
Notts students are easy to spot when you know what to look for
There are so many things that make Notts students significant and stand out among the rest. We are all unique in our own ways, but there are also so many things that make us a collective which explains why at the end of that first semester when you go home, you’re suddenly “changed” and uni made you “so different”. This is almost always a good thing because it just means you’ve adjusted to uni life and made loads of friends.
You start to pick up habits and styles from everyone around you and these are what make us a part of the Notts uni club. Whether you go to UoN or Trent, one of the blatant Nottingham traits is the fierce competition upheld by both unis, if that isn’t a sign saying you go to uni in Notts, here are a few other things to look out for when spotting Notts students in case it wasn’t already obvious.
1. Complaining there’s no ‘Big Waitrose’
Listen, if you’re a student who can afford to go to Waitrose for your big shop, hats off to you. However, the lack of everybody’s favourite two for the price of three shop is not exactly earth shattering news to the majority of us. You will soon become accustomed to the ways of Aldi, Lidl and Tesco with a clubcard when you realise your loan wouldn’t make it past week two of term if you were shopping at Waitrose.
2. Going on about how good the nightlife is
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When I first came to uni, all I was told is that “Nottingham has a great night life” and I was in for a treat. As a third year who is now very much over it, I can agree. First year was full of Wednesday Crisis, Thursday Rock City, Friday Oceans, and Saturdays doing whatever we felt like. With a few Bonkerz Bingos thrown into the mix and the occasional trip to Pryzm, it all definitely lived up to expectations. It’s very Nottingham core to be have a crazy night out.
3. Uggs
The trend of Uggs has become cyclical and sometimes it seems they’re here then they’re gone. For Notts students these are a cult classic. Comfy, stylish, hungover, you name it, Uggs can do it and Notts students will find any way to style them. Are they basically slippers you can wear outside? Yes. Do any of us care? No. Notts students will continue to wear their Uggs with pride until they graduate and are somehow forced to wear ‘appropriate work shoes’…whatever that means.
4. North face puffers
If you don’t see a north face puffer in your lecture, in the nicest way, you don’t go to uni in Nottingham.
5. Ocean posters and t-shirts
It’s a right of passage that at a freshers fair you either find yourself grabbing an ocean t-shirt or poster and it’s almost a guarantee the second and third years have gone back to freshers fairs to get the exact same top a year later. Despite Ocean’s reputation spanning far outside of Nottingham thanks to the one and only GK Barry, the majority of Nottingham students will attend the club more than their lectures. No matter the rumours, no one can resist taking a dip and showing off your nice poster that will hang proudly on your wall for the rest of your time at uni.
6. Eduroam not working
Everyone knows the pain of sitting in the library staring at that little wifi icon on your laptop buffer away until it either says it cannot connect or that tiny exclamation mark appears. There is nothing worse because it’s always when you’ve suddenly decided you’re actually going to do some work and really try to knuckle down. But the wifi just decides you’re not allowed to. Take it as a sign. Either go to a coffee shop or go home because if uni wanted you to do work, they would make the wifi work.
7. Living in the Lenton Triangle
Lenton is infamous for student houses generally, but you are at the height of student living if you are located anywhere in the Lenton triangle. From house parties to an actual Bansky painting (don’t ask me why they chose there of all places), Lenton is truly the heart of student culture in this little city we call home. You will simply have to adjust to the raving neighbours, ignore the rats scurrying around, and embrace the Notts student life.
8. Missing the 34 bus
I will be the first to say the 34 and I have a tenuous relationship to say the least. From the terrible timings, the chaos at George Green bus stop, and it literally being full by Seely Road, sometimes I just want to be rid of it. Picture this, it’s the first day of a new term, you’ve decided to turn over a new leaf and go to your lectures specifically, your Monday 9am. You’re ready at the bus stop and the bus just doesn’t stop. Evidently it was a sign from the universe to go back to bed and try again tomorrow. It is a right of passage but if you want to be on time for a lecture, sorry but you will just have to be early or walk.
9. Getting chased by geese
The geese on campus are actually frightening, there is no other way to describe them. The first interaction is always “wow how nice to have wildlife on campus” then suddenly they look at you funny and next thing you know you’re running into Portland to escape a gaggle of geese. You can’t avoid it, and somehow, we all just learnt to respect that this is their world and we are merely living in it.
10. Getting free Dominos after the freshers fair
Fresh faced first years and lets face it second and third years get that lovely freshers fair at the start of the year and everywhere you walk there is someone placing a dominoes bag in your hand with those mouth watering discount codes in there. Specifically the one that gives you a free pizza. This is vital for the first years as their stomachs are only just adapting to Hall’s food so they must take their wins wherever they can get them.
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