The five best places to wear crocs around University of Nottingham’s campus
Whether you have them in sports mode or relaxed mode, these are the best places to get your Croc out around campus x
If you’ve made it half a term into uni and haven’t yet invested some of your student loan in a pair of Crocs, what are you doing? I feel bad for your mum, because when you come home from reading week, she’s going to have to attempt to bleach all your irreparably stained socks from rawdogging your accommodation corridors. I strongly suggest you get yourself a pair as soon as possible so she doesn’t end up doing the same thing for you at Christmas.
For all you normal people who came to uni organised having bought a pair of Crocs as soon as you got your UCAS offer, I’m sure you’re still a bit nervy about what and isn’t socially acceptable on campus – especially what to wear. While there are certain things that are just too questionable to be wearing around uni, I strongly feel that crocs just isn’t one of them. So if you need some guidance, you’ve come to the right place. Here’s a comprehensive guide to all the best places you can rock your Crocs around UoN.
David Ross
Crocs are just the ideal accessory to dress down your “that girl” gym fit. I feel like wearing matching Gymshark sets every time you hit the gym can just look a bit too put together, considering you then have to traipse back through campus to get back to your halls, not to mention how muddy it gets this time of year so you don’t want to be ruining your New Balances. Just be sure to put them in sports mode for that athleisure vibe.
Hallward Library
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I would say you can wear Crocs in any library around campus, but best to start out with Hallward if you’re nervous. The reason I say this is because students who frequent Hallward genuinely have no shame, so you cannot be judged if you rock up wearing Crocs. I’ve been sat across someone with his whole feet out before, all over the chair legs and everything, so trust me when I say everyone sitting around you has seen much worse than a pair of Crocs.
The Physics Building
Much like Hallward, if you’ve ever stepped foot in the cursed monolith that is the Physics Building, you will know that the people who have regular classes in there really do not care what you turn up wearing. I’m not saying all students in the Physics Building are styleless cretins, but I am saying most of them are too wrapped up in figuring out Newton’s third law or whatever the fuck they get up to in there that they won’t even notice what you’re wearing.
If you and your mates are itching for a pint after a long day of lectures but you just can’t be arsed with putting shoes with laces on, going to Mooch and wearing Crocs is the perfect combo. You have the double benefit of not having to make the trek into town and running the risk of being turned away for effectively having your dogs out, because a) I’m willing to bet that no one would kick you out of Mooch for wearing Crocs, and b) even if they do it’s not like you have to go too far to get changed into actual shoes. Win-win really.
Derby Road Sainsbury’s
Going off campus to cater to all the Lenton residents, Derby Road Sainsbury’s is probably one of the few places around Nottingham where wearing Crocs is practically an entry requirement. You’re more likely to be judged for not wearing Crocs than wearing them for your nightly sweet treat trip.
I hope this guide has given you some inspiration for your next Croc-clad trip. Just remember that literally no one cares what you’re wearing, and if anyone says anything they’re just mad they haven’t got Crocs as cool as yours.
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