University of Glasgow independent report reveals discrimination in the medical school
The report found a ‘significant’ number of staff have experienced discrimination
An independent report carried out by Glasgow University has found that focusing on their grand reputation has been used as justification for ”poor behaviours” within its own medical school.
According to the report, a “significant” number of staff have experienced some form of discriminatory comments, The Herald reports.
Others have been on the end of discriminatory behaviour in the medical school, which is within one of Scotland’s oldest universities.
The report was tasked with investigating sexism, but found that employees at the University of Glasgow cited examples of racism and age-related discrimination.
Last year, staff were interviewed following an inquiry, leading to the university apologising for “unacceptable and distressing incidents” of sexism.
The findings found that a significant proportion of staff had experienced incidents, often in virtual environments including emails and one-on-one interactions.
The inquiry was ordered after a grievance filed by staff against the former head of undergraduate medicine, Professor John Paul Leach.
This also led to another senior academic, Dr James Going, quitting his lecturing post after 35 years.
A spokesperson for the College of Medical, Veterinary and Life Sciences has released a statement to The Tab Glasgow:
”We are acting systematically as recommended by the independent report, with a colleague working group having met, drawing on a cultural change framework to help identify improvement steps. This comes at a time of new leadership for the school and a commitment to enhancing our operating structures and communications to ensure all colleagues experience a positive and inclusive working environment.”