Transgender activists gathered at The Triangle in Bournemouth for huge rally
Around 100 people rallied on Monday in response to the Prime Minister’s comments last week
A transgender activist rally, Stand With Trans and Non Binary Rights, took place at The Bournemouth Triangle on Monday.
Around 100 people rallied outside Flirt bar in The Triangle to show support for the transgender and non-binary community, Daily Echo reports.
Activists gathered draped in flags and brandishing signs and placards which read “trans lives matter” and “trans rights are human rights”.
The Triangle is home to DYMK, a popular gay bar and nightclub, and cafe/bar Flirt, which states on its website that it is “passionate about creating a space where everyone feels welcome.”
Organiser of the event, Melissa Armstrong was delighted by the turnout. Speaking of Monday’s rally, she said: “I’m so pleased with everyone that came down and showed support.
“I think the people that are here today that are with us know about these issues. So, it’s important that we speak about our allyship today and that we get our message across.
“With all the stories that we’re hearing in the media now, demonising trans people, we just really wanted to come out today and show our solidarity with the community, to show them that they have allies and people that will speak for them.”
Earlier this month, PM Rishi Sunak faced backlash for a speech perceived as “anti-trans”.
During his leader’s speech at the Conservative Party Conference in Manchester, Mr Sunak said: “We shouldn’t get bullied into believing that people can be any sex they want to be. They can’t, a man is a man and a woman is a woman. That’s just common sense.”
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Phoenix Ford, a trans man who attended the rally spoke of the importance of showing up for the community and said: “I was very proud to see so many people turn up to this event… to show support and show the true meaning of ally-ship.
“It is important we speak as our lives matter to us and to get our message across.”
Phoenix was among several attendants who read poetry.
Another attendee, member of the trans community, and trustee at Bourne Free, Neal Errington, spoke of the rally and said: “It’s been a really great turnout.
“Absolutely warm, free, wholehearted people support these events to echo every phrase that’s been used.
“Trans rights are human rights. It’s in our DNA for what we do at pride.”
Jay Murray from Bournemouth came out as trans at 32-years-old. Speaking of their experience at the rally, they said: “I came out in 2007, so it was quite a different world back then.
“Everything was innocent, everything was new, everything was great.
“People were just getting to the point where they feel safe to come out because we had made such progress and now all of a sudden, the rug has been pulled out.”
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