Here are all the ways you can make the most of Welcome Week as a silly Exeter fresher
Praying for your liver this week x
Freshers’ Week, now dubbed “Welcome Week” is upon us and with it comes a host of anxiety, nerves, and multiple ways to destroy your liver. If that doesn’t get you excited, I don’t know what will! But seriously though, it’s tough going into something which you’ve been told will be “the best time of your life”, only to end up crying on your first night because Monty and Minty are definitely not your vibe. Relatable, right? Nope, just me?
Anyway, this week fills incoming Exeter fresh with what the uni will be like, how the people will be, and where they’ll fit in. Don’t worry, I promise not EVERYONE at Exeter is “rah”. Yes, it’s the majority, but once you get over the constant uniform of Tom’s Trunks and Ralph Lauren jumpers, you might find a friend for life.
Every fresh will be feeling a mixture of stress and excitement, which is totally normal – even returning students will be feeling the same. Freshers’ is such an intense week and there’s always so much going on, so it can be hard not to be overwhelmed. But here’s how to actually make the most of your Freshers’ in Exeter, and know that you’ve done it right.
Talk to your flatmates
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Please, do not judge a book by its cover! Your flatmates are an easy in for getting to know people, and having some mates at least for the first week. I know, it’s hard not to judge when they all say they’re from London or Surrey but stick with them – you never know who might end up being your bestie. Even if you don’t have LOADS in common and can’t see yourself going to a cheeky TP Wednesday with them, it’s still important. I mean, no one wants an awkward silence whilst they’re cooking up the Waitrose delivery mummy just ordered for them.
Don’t just stick with your mate Jonty from Surrey
Everyone at Exetah knows everyone. Sometimes, it feels like being at a bigger secondary school. Why does everyone seem to know each other’s rogue private school in the middle of nowhere? So odd. So, my advice here is to branch out. Do not just stick with your mates from Epsom College. Sure, it can seem comforting and you’re already besties, but you’ll limit yourself so much. Go to societies, go to sports, and find your own people!
Go to your lectures and seminars
I don’t care how hungover you are. This is a certified way to make friends in Freshers’, with everyone bonding over whether you’re in East Park or Lafrowda, whether you went to TP or Fever last night, and how many Venoms you bought for your flatmates. Even if you don’t become besties (shoutout to a random gal I went to all my Freshers’ lectures with and never saw again), it’s a good way to get into the rhythm and confidence of meeting new people.
Know what events are being held on campus
Follow @exeterguild to know anything and everything that is happening on campus during Freshers’. The guild are great at organising fun activities, that don’t include drinking, and involved people from all parts of the uni. You can be a fresher or a final year, at St Luke’s or Streatham campus, so it’s a great way to mix with people you might not meet otherwise. Some of the fun events they’ve done in the past have included walking llamas, visiting a pumpkin farm near Halloween, rock climbing, and visiting the Eden Project!
Go to the Welcome Week fair
If you don’t manage to get your hungover self anywhere during the days in Freshers’, make this the ONE thing you will go to. The fair is split this year, so societies are on Thursday 21st September and sports are on Saturday 23rd September. Seriously, go to both if you can. Even if you don’t end up joining anything, it’s worth it for the freebies: Food, tote bags, lanyards, discounts on Domino’s, and more. You name it, it’s probably there for free.
Be in the know about club events
If you’re into a dutty tune, you need to know the club nights in Exeter. Although I don’t want to say for fear of silly fresh stealing all the club tickets, it’s only fair you know what most people go to every week. FIXR will soon become your closest friend. A brief rundown: Monday – Fever, Tuesday – Cavern or UNIT 1, Wednesday – TP, Thursday – Fever, Friday – TP, Saturday – Lemmy. But, obviously in Freshers’, every single club will be full every night, I mean there’s only a few options in Exeter so it means they’re rammed by students. You’ll soon learn which club nights you love, and which ones you don’t, but it’s good to try a bit of everything. Who knows, you might start to love a niche Salsa Tuesday at TP!
Explore Exeter during the day
I wish I had done this more as a fresher. My flatmates and I went out so much throughout the year that we just rotted in bed during the day, until the summer term hit, and we discovered Exeter is actually stunning. Take some time to go to Exmouth beach or the quay in Exeter, as both are really popular with students and a nice break from the club scene.
Say ‘yes’ as much as possible
This one is a MUST. Be confident, even if you have to fake it ’til you make it, and say “yes” to everything. Your flatmates want to go to Fever on Friday? Sure, why not? Your friends suggest a movie night? Go for it. Any time you get a chance to socialise, you should try to. In first year, I met some lovely people in the UNIT 1 queue and did we become lifelong friends? No, but they were a big part to my first few weeks in Exeter, and I wouldn’t change it one bit.
Know your limits
My last two points are going to contradict each other here, but Freshers’ is all about knowing yourself. Whilst you should try and say “yes” to everything, also know your limits. Personally, I have a very limited social battery and whilst I can definitely be an extrovert, I need my alone time to chill and watch some Netflix. This was even more necessary in Freshers’ and the week after with everyone I knew coming down with Freshers’ Flu – turns out it’s not a myth, everyone gets it. So, it’s more than okay to take time for yourself in Freshers’ – just make sure you communicate to your mates so they don’t think you dislike them.
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