Luther’s bar to reopen in partnership with Wetherspoons
This comes after a period of refurbishment within the SU
Following online rumours and speculation about its summer-long refurbishment, Newcastle University Students’ Union has officially announced plans to reopen its campus bar, Luther’s, in partnership with J D Wetherspoon.
The new bar is confirmed to open its doors on the 15th September at 8am, just in time for Freshers’ Week.
@loosedays What’s going on here? 👀 Cheap scran, pints & pitchers in the heart of Newcastle Uni campus… #NewcastleUni #LuthersBar #newcastlestudents #newcastlestudentunion #newcastledrinks
♬ Spooky, quiet, scary atmosphere piano songs – Skittlegirl Sound
Newcastle University Students’ Union has said this partnership will provide a “wide-ranging food & drinks menu” as well as “increase the amount of student job opportunities” at the university. This is only the second time that the popular pub chain has franchised with a Students’ Union, the first being Hull (HUSU) back in 2022.

Credit: Newcastle University Students’ Union on Instagram (@newcastlesu)
Further information and opening times can be found here.