Discover the SRC committee candidates and nominees
‘The University is dead set on increasing the number of buildings and the student population but has no plans to actually house these students’
Sabbatical Positions:
President: Hailie Pentleton-Owens
Vice President of Education: Jordan Hunter and Ross Whip
Vice President of Student Activities: Mariama Bah and Theo Frater
Vice President for Student Support: Tony Anderson
‘While I believe that capping the numbers is a good start’, commented the Vice President candidate Jordan Hunter, ‘I am doubtful the University will live up to their promise. I believe we actually need to reduce the number of the incoming class as the overall student population will increase next year with the pre-Covid contingent graduating.’
The nominee went on arguing that ‘accommodation is clearly one of Anton’s biggest mistakes. After the chaos of having to retract the guaranteed first year accommodation, he follows it up with this ridiculous in increase. The University is dead set on increasing the number of buildings and the student population but has no plans to actually house these students.’
Candidate for Business School Representative and third year Business student, Claudia Prime commented; ‘Good luck to everyone who’s running! Can’t wait to see the results! Love seeing so many people involved and doing amazing campaigns!’
UG College Convenors:
UG College Convenor of Arts: Vacant
UG College Convenor of MVLS: Pak Su
UG College Convenor Science and Engineering: Heri Busquier Cerdan
UG College Convenor of Social Sciences: Irene Libelli
Welfare and Equal Opportunities Officers:
Age Equality Officer: Suzanne Blackburn
Charities Officer: Angelica Wilson, Eloise Bishop and Turki Dhafer M Alajmi
Disability Equality Officer: House of Dragons Atter, Irene Alvarado Reinoso and Olivia Lalieu
Environmental Officer: Amie MacMillan and Charlotte Michel
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Gender Equality Officer: Amy Skilling and Temisan Atsegoh and Valeria Palomar Conesa
Home Students Officer: Vacant
International Students Officer: Kavya Srinivasan and Qixin Wei
LGBTQ+ Officer: Naomi Gillies and Pablo Moran Ruiz
Mental Health Equality Officer: Maia Piermattei
Race Equality Officer: Omar Saleh and Tianshu Wang
Widening Participation Officer: Denver Correia, Amy Hutchinson and Tia Shillito-Radicic
School Representatives:
Business School: Anshuman Gilani, Claudia Prime, Diego Castanedo and Nishant Kumar Singh
School of Cardiovascular & Metabolic Health: Vacant
School of Chemistry: Vacant
School of Computing Science: Jakub Jelinek
School of Critical Studies: Vacant
School of Culture and Creative Arts: Niamh Mary McLaughlin
School of Education: Freya Brown
School of Engineering: Hugh Southall
School of Geographical and Earth Sciences: Nicolas Scholten Flech
School of Humanities: Freya Dinning
School of Infection & Immunity: Fern Girvan
School of Interdisciplinary Studies: Vacant
School of Law: Cameron Hanna and Isabelle John
School of Mathematics and Statistics: Joseph Lismore
School of Medicine, Dentistry & Nursing: Carys Nield and Juel Choppy-Madeleine
School of Modern Languages and Cultures: Vacant
School of Molecular Biosciences: Khachonphat Leesahatsawat (Daniel)
School of Physics & Astronomy: Olivia Simon
School of Psychology & Neuroscience: Valentina Soares and Anaiya Fiaz
School of Social & Political Sciences: Emma Murray
School of Biodiversity, One Health & Veterinary Medicine: Vacant