Hogwarts Legacy doesn’t have a Photo Mode, but one player has found a sneaky hack
This game’s too gorgeous not to take pictures
Whilst Hogwarts Legacy doesn’t yet have a Photo Mode for players to freely fly the camera around the castle and the valleys, a PC player has found a sneaky albeit complicated workaround for people playing on that platform to capture beautiful photos anyway.
As of right now, Hogwarts Legacy players can disable all the HUD icons to make their screenshots of gameplay less cluttered, but fans are desperate for a way to get beautiful images away from the locked third person perspective they have right now.
A Reddit user found a sneaky trick
A Reddit user named Fineus posted their method on a thread from fans begging Avalanche to add in the much wanted Photo Mode.
The method is only available if you’re a PC player – and it’s centred on a tool called Universal Unreal Engine 4 Unlocker, which allows players to mod and break away from the third person perspective. This tool opens up a mod suite, so all kinds of things can be changed about in the game – you’d be living under a rock if if you haven’t seen all the Avada Kedavra killings where players have turned Hogwarts Legacy into something akin to the carnage of GTA.
Whilst this is a complicated way for PC players to go to some effort to get a Photo Mode in Hogwarts Legacy, hopes are still high that Avalanche will add one in an update further down the line for all platforms.
Most Read
Hogwarts Legacy has been controversial and has garnered criticism regarding transphobic remarks from franchise creator JK Rowling since 2020. Avalanche, the developers of the game, have said she is not involved at all – but it is likely since she owns the IP rights to the franchise that she will profit from the sales.
To learn more about transgender rights or lend your support, please check out the charity Mermaids in the UK.
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