Bris Goes Dating: The Bristol Tab is playing Cupid so get ready to meet the love of your life

Fill out the form to be paired up for a steamy date

Valentine’s Day is on the horizon and The Bristol Tab is here to help you get lucky in love or just get lucky. 

February 14th has got everyone thinking about love but it is not that easy to find. 

Dating apps are not overflowing with soul mates, your cheeky Wednesday night snog in Gravs is most likely unreliable, and the girl you fancy just “isn’t looking for anything serious”. How does anyone find The One

Bris Goes Dating accepts and encourages applicants from all backgrounds, genders, and sexualities so what are you waiting for?

How does it work? 

We promise to match you up and send you on a date filled with steamy romance and undeniable chemistry. 

No one knows Bristol Uni students better than The Bristol Tab and we have designed a special form of questions which are sure to help us match you up with the most compatible student on campus. 

A few lucky students will be hand picked to go on a blind date and find the love of their life. The date will last 30 mins before we step in and get the hot goss from the happy couples.

“Dates are awkward” I hear you say, but don’t be nervous because there will be a list of questions on the table to help you get flirty just in case the riveting conversation about how many siblings you have comes to a close. 

If the unthinkable happens and you are stood up, you will have the option of going on a date with one of the sexy writers from The Bristol Tab.


We ask that you only sign up if you are willing to be filmed very briefly and give a short description of how the date went which will be published on The Bristol Tab alongside your name. 

You also must be a student at The University of Bristol or UWE. 

There are no exceptions to these conditions.

Fill out this form 

You have until Midnight on Wednesday 8th to apply for Bris Goes Dating.

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