OK, but what if Malia Obama has a cameo on ‘Girls’ this season?

Cool Teen Malia at it again

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After an summer spent interning for HBO’s seminal hit show Girls, there’s just one thing left for Malia Obama to do: make an appearance in the show.

It’s kind of a far-fetched idea, I know, but it beats my mental image of Cool Teen Malia bringing show-runner Lena Dunham styrofoam containers of liquid nacho cheese for her to drink through a straw or whatever else she has her interns doing.

Can you picture Malia’s character on Girls, proving once and for all that black people who aren’t Donald Glover actually live in New York City? Engage in this fantasy with me for a moment and let’s imagine what could be if a well-rounded, fun, Harvard-bound woman of color and elite political pedigree was written into the series.

Malia’s character — let’s call her…Malia — would obviously eschew the weird twee shit worn by the other characters (even the hot ones) in favor of slick but accessible Topshop separates and whatever the new version of Thrasher t-shirts are for recent high school grads. She’d be sarcastic but not acerbic, funny but not obnoxious, cool but not isolating (am I projecting wish-fulfillment here? Maybe). She’d have a cool-looking boyfriend who does tech but like, in a creative way and she’d watch french films because she’s smart and smoke weed because she’s fun.

Most importantly, she’d help the girls of Girls get their shit together like a really glam ghost of Brooklyns past, present and future — and all without sacrificing her own storyline.

Again, this is all a remote possibility but one that I’m clinging to like a cat that does not want to be hugged. Maybe her dad could make an appearance too?