Trump reportedly pressures the women in his office to dress a certain way

But are we even surprised?

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It should comes as exactly zero surprise to anyone that Donald Trump allegedly puts the pressure on his staff to look a certain way — and yet here we are.

A campaign source told news outlet Axios that Trump has strict guidelines and preferences for his staff, with a special focus on how his female employees dress and present themselves.

“Trump likes the women who work for him ‘to dress like women,'” the source told Axios. Reportedly, even campaign field office employees felt pressure to wear dresses to impress Trump.

And just because Trump has reportedly inundated his female employees with sexist and impractical dress codes, it doesn’t mean the men of the office are immune from laser-focused physical criticism.

The same campaign source said that men were pressured to wear solid colors and high-dollar ties and having “a good physical demeanor, good stature, hair well groomed” were all prioritized.

No word on whether or not Trump will start holding himself to the same standard.