I’m trading my vote for Hillary – so that she wins

It breaks my heart, but I’m doing it

Most people you met at the Democratic Convention weren’t too excited about Hillary Clinton’s nomination. I was there in Philly, reporting for The Tab, and the biggest story in town was the messy aftermath of Bernie’s revolution.

I, like a lot of women in America, felt energized. This election has brought me to tears on multiple occasions. Not because Hillary makes me emotional (well sometimes), but because I am buzzing at the idea of this country having a female leader. Buzzing at the idea that kids will see a woman in their class books, breaking the more-than-200-year sequence of 43 men.

And that’s why, for women of the future, for myself, and for all the brave women who were never granted the right to vote, I will be voting Gary Johnson this election.

As a young woman in a deeply blue state my vote for Clinton is not going to do much to affect the outcome of this election. However, were my vote counted elsewhere it would.

As important as it is for me to see a woman in the White House, it’s equally important that we keep women safe, and that means keeping Trump out of the White House.

Welcome to vote trading. Amit Kumar’s app #NeverTrump allows voters around the country to legally swap votes with one another. People voting Third Party want national support for their candidate, and I want Hillary to win in swing states.

The app helps swing Third Party voters trade with Non-Swing Hillary voters, to make Third Party votes count, and keep Trump out. In the final days of the campaign, vote trading has grown in popularity.

A few weeks ago this kind of arrangement might have seemed unnecessary. Now, with the polls tight as hell, it’s irresponsible to ignore.

Here’s how it works

Upon signing up you are asked a series of questions: Name, Country, location, preferred candidate. After, you are matched with either a Third Party voter, or a Hillary voter in a Non-Swing state. I’m swapping my vote with a Johnson voter in Virginia, where Hillary is ahead but polls have been tightening.

Vote trading is based on an honor system (a selfie in the voting booth is suggested for added proof), because it ultimately benefits both sides.

As a woman who would give absolutely anything to fill in the Hillary bubble on that ballot, I will give it up if it means finally having a female President-elect.

When the election results roll in and Hillary Clinton is named the first woman President of the United States, I will know that it was me, a woman, who got her there.