What your favourite Disney characters would study at Uni of York

Have you ever wondered which Disney character you’d sit next to in a seminar?

Ahhh Disney movies, who doesn’t love them (boring people)? Without all of these iconic characters in your life, did you really have a childhood? Now lets put a twist on the idea of them being aimed at children and think, which of your favourite animated friends would you perhaps run into at Wednesday Salvos?

Straight out of the fairytales, this is what you fave characters would study at Uni of York.

Belle: English Literature

I feel like this one is pretty obvious. Belle is a perfect example of an English student, she’s read every book in the village bookstore, back to back, dozens of times. She made her passion for reading so well known that the Beast gifted her an entire library with new books that she’d never read before.

She’d slide right in to a seminar and you wouldn’t be able to shut her up if she was passionate about the book being discussed, even if she wasn’t keen, she’d for sure let you know… just ask Gaston !

Rapunzel: History

Girly was locked in a tower for 18 years of her life and sheltered from the entire world by Mother Gothel. Of course she’s going to be curious about the history of the world that she’s so new to. Not to mention the fact that she ended the film recently discovering that she’s a literal royal, she’d have definitely wanted to do a little research to find out about her ancestors and the history of her kingdom.

This one just makes sense, she’d do so much research that she’d get into York and pass with flying colours. Her yapping tendencies may be a little annoying in seminars though.

Tiana: Maths

Tiana’s an absolute girlboss, she knew exactly how much her restaurant was going to cost. She kept track of all the numbers, blueprints and spreadsheets completely on her own as she was an independent woman and that was her dream. She’d slide right in to a maths lecture with these self-taught skills (and she miraculously wouldn’t be bored!).

Maths students you’re lucky Tiana’s imaginary because she’d wipe the floor with all of you…

The Emotions from Inside Out: Psychology

Walking into a psychology seminar to the five emotions would surely be an experience, but if they were real it definitely wouldn’t be out of the ordinary considering their whole purpose is to understand Riley’s feelings to programme her to react accordingly.

Some would be less popular than others (Joy i’m looking at you…) but they’d certainly fit right in, I mean we’re all York students, what’s a more accurate representation of student life than moping around crying then getting angry for no reason? I certainly can’t think of anything!

Ariel: Biology

Its no surprise that the girl who left her entire family and mermaid life behind for a pair of legs and a hot guy would study living organisms considering how obsessed she was with turning from one in to another. Not to mention the borderline stalking of Eric with that whole stone statue of him that she stole for her lair.

Ariel would slay these studies by incorporating the facts she gathered from her ‘observations’, and her inside knowledge of life under the sea (pun not intended). Biology girlies you might want to steer clear if you see this redhead in a class as not only would she never stop putting her hand up, we’ve all heard her sing about humans and their feet.

Elsa: Chemistry

Elsa would kill a chemistry degree as she’s literally the fifth spirit that is essential to keep the earth intact and peaceful for eternity. As the protector of the enchanted forest with insane ice powers she’s pretty much a master of chemicals.

Honourable mention for Elemental’s Ember who would also slay the hell out of this degree with her fire bending skills, you go girls!

The Genie: Physics

For some reason I feel like Genie would take physics but I’m not too sure why. Considering his powers defy physics, I doubt he really understands the concept of the subject but he might want to one day, who knows! He’d definitely lower the grade boundaries so maybe you physics students should make a wish (he’ll let myself out).

Captain Hook: Economics

Economics bros are the worst and when I think of them I picture this guy, probably because his whole thing is being a pirate who steals money and aggressively fights with children. Quite fitting for what I’ve heard of you economics lot (although you guys mainly seem to hate women), I’m not apologising… unless you’re a woman taking this course, in that case this doesn’t apply to you.

Judy Hopps from Zootropolis: Criminology

Judy is the first ever bunny cop, the girl made history. She’d wipe the floor with all of you criminology students and its not even close… You’re lucky our university doesn’t accept fictional bunnies on to these courses because it’s quite clear she’d be top of all the classes and she’d never stop telling anecdotes from her time on the force to impress the tutors. Let’s just say its a good thing she’s cute because she’d be hated. At least criminology students would finally be recognised!

 Nick Wilde from Zootropolis: Law

To say he’s broken it so many times, Nick Wilde definitely knows both sides of the law since he later became a cop himself. Most law students I’ve met are insufferable, so this sketchy, sarcastically irritating fox would fit right in… and hopefully humble a few of you in seminars by knowing far more than you all like to think you do.

 Cinderella: Sociology

I’ve never really understood what sociology is but apparently it focuses on social behaviour… If I was Cinderella I’d certainly try to understand why my step family decided to lock me in the attic after my dad died, so I couldn’t go to a party or have a relatively nice life. In a similar case to Rapunzel, she’d become an expert and annoy the life out of everyone around her in the seminars… but at least she’d get a first with her determination.

Donald Duck: Sports Science

Donald Duck would do sports science. Purely because he’s got a bad temper and I’m afraid of sporty boys, especially those of you who play rugby. Sorry I guess but this is the only reason I made this correlation but you can’t change my mind.

And there we have it, I hope you enjoyed all of my (slightly) biased opinions… even if most of them are relatively obvious. If you didn’t see your course here then maybe you’d see a character from The Black Cauldron in your lecture hall… because you’re kind of irrelevant. Whoops !

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