We’re recruiting! Here are 10 reasons why you should join The Tab Nottingham

Come to our open meeting from 5:30pm on the 5th of October at Mooch!

Kicking off the academic year, we are searching for new writers to join The Tab Nottingham. No previous journalism experience is required – we encourage any fun and passionate individuals to join our team of leading student journalists.

We are holding an open meeting on Thursday 5th October in Mooch from 5:30pm to 7pm. This is a chance for you to come along and meet our editorial team ask us some questions and even meet other writers. It is open to all students no matter which year you’re in or what you study.

Whether journalism is a passion of yours or you would like to get involved with something to take a break from your studies, here are all the reasons why you should join The Tab Nottingham:

1. You can write almost anything

We highly encourage all writers to submit their own pitches and ideas for new articles. If you’re passionate about it, it’s likely that other students are as well. You can write nearly anything as long as it’s something Nottingham students would genuinely want to read.

You might find yourself publish articles like I spent (almost) 24 hours in George Green Library and here’s how it went or Bored of revision? here are all the best things to do in Notts during Easter. 

2. You will be at the cutting edge of on-campus news and get to break the stories students care about

Breaking news stories that matter to students is what we do best. We take a different definition of news than you might think.

In The Tabs’ eyes, news is anything you’d be excited to tell your mates about at the pub or share to the group chat. Because of this, we often get the best exclusives – often before any one else.

3. No experience needed

Want to join but have no previous experience? Absolutely no problem. No previous journalism experience is required, we encourage any student no matter what they study to join our team.

Our editorial team are there to support all of our writers especially anyone who might feel a bit daunted by the prospect of writing an article from start to finish. We will be there for every step of the writing process helping to perfect your article for publication.

4. You get to use your platform to talk about issues you care about

Being apart of our team gives you a platform that’s unrivalled in student media. Many of our writers have used it to draw attention to the issues that matter to them. Reporting on news stories that deserved to be talked about that otherwise wouldn’t get the attention they deserve.

The Tab sets the agenda of what people talk about on campus – and if you write for us, you can be apart of that.

5. We get the best on-campus gossip

The secret to being a good Tab writer is just knowing people and being the kind of person people go to with interesting stories to tell.

We have a tips chat for our writers where we share leads about the latest murmurs on campus.

6. You’ll be joining a national team and be supported in your writing by full time journalists

Even though you’ll be writing for The Tab Nottingham, we have a very close relationship to The Tab’s national team. The national team are run by a full time, experienced journalists and are always there to offer advice and help on any pieces you are working on.

It is an invaluable opportunity to get personal, one-on-one advice from journalists who will support you in becoming the best writer possible

7. You’ll be writing for a nationally recognised newspaper and our stories regularly get picked up by national newspapers

Our website is looked at by writers and editors at national newspapers – many of our original news stories get written up in them.

Stories from The Tab have in the past been picked up by national papers such as The Times, The Daily Mail, The BBC and more – it’s a great way to get recognised.

8. It looks great on your CV

Alongside all the fun you’ll be having, being apart of the team looks great on your CV. If you’re thinking about a career in journalism, becoming a writer for The Tab is unbeatable experience.

Even if you don’t want to a future job in journalism, writing for The Tab gives you experience as part of a professional team for a nationally renowned media outlet.

9. It’s an unbeatable way to build up a portfolio

If you’re applying for any writing or editing jobs, having a good portfolio is key. Writing for The Tab lets you write across a wide range of topics and formats, showcasing exactly how good you are.

Previous Tab writers have gone on to get jobs at The BBC, The Telegraph, The Washington Post, Vice, The Times, Metro, Vogue, Spectator, Evening Standard, and more.

10. It’s a way to meet and socialise with new and interesting people

Joining our team doesn’t mean sitting alone with your laptop 24/7. We’re actually a fun team of students who will soon become your closest friends in Nottingham if you choose to join us.

We will have regular writers meetings each week, giving you a chance to claim article pitches, share ideas as well as having a good old catch up with your fellow writers. We are also planning on throwing regular socials, and just having a bit of fun together.

Our open meeting is open to anyone interested, be sure to pop along – you don’t need any experience or ideas! Please let us know if you can attend here, or send us a message on Instagram @thetab_nottingham. We hope to see lots of you on Thursday 5th October from 5:30pm at Mooch. 

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