

University of Leeds now has a walk-in vaccination centre on campus

The service runs Monday to Wednesday, until September 29th

A huge new nightclub in Leeds has its opening delayed

Cargo hopes to open this Friday instead

Introducing Shuffle: the BRAND NEW Leeds University Union night

It’s launching this Saturday!

Academic sues Leeds Beckett after cutting ties and branding her as ‘racist’

Aysha Khanom claims that LBU ‘will essentially be arguing to uphold white supremacy’ in the legal proceedings

University of Leeds is offering students £10k and free halls to defer a year

Students in the Law and Business School are being offered the financial incentives

Clearing unavailable at University of Leeds this year

Leeds has no vacancies for clearing or adjustment

You can now go swimming at Leeds Dock

Tickets cost £5 per person and can be purchased through Eventbrite

Leeds Uni student was spat at and racially abused while at Royal Park pub

After initially kicking the abusive party out, the manager let them back in as they ‘deserved a second chance’

Heard something you think
we should know?

We want to look into your case


Art or not? Burley Banksy’s art boxes painted over in Rothwell

BT says we can’t have nice things anymore

There was a HUGE street party in Hyde Park this weekend

Around 300 people attended

42 per cent of Leeds students say they have had Covid since September 2020

20 per cent of students chose not to follow self-isolation guidelines

Fruity has cancelled its ‘The Fruitys That Never Happened’ week

We just want blue VKs, sweaty dancefloors and Tinie Tempah’s ‘Pass Out’ played at a deafening volume

A Leeds Uni Student is walking 50 miles round Woodhouse Moor tomorrow

Theo Beckett will be walking 50 laps of the park tomorrow, to raise money for the Stroke Association

Warning issued to residents on Headingley Avenue after house party

Hundreds of students emerged onto a back street after a house party was shut down around 4AM on Sunday Morning

Leeds Uni student climbs to top of the ‘Converse Column’ on campus

Have we found an Eddy B Spiderman?

Leeds is OFFICIALLY the most fun city to be a student in

Let’s ignore the fact York made it to number 5