A complete guide on returning to Leeds after a year abroad

YAWN back in rainy Leeds after the best year of your life

Imagine being teased a life of freedom in Australia, Canada, Netherlands, Spain or anywhere else in the world and then being told you have to actually come back to Leeds. And, to make matters worse, it’s final year.

After landing back in Britain in the ‘height’ of summer it was easy to keep ourselves busy, escaping to other countries and having our own ‘Euro Summer’. However, now, the seasonal depression is really starting to hit. The ‘1 year ago today’s of myself on the beach in Melbourne is really not helping either.

But maybe study abroad returners aren’t the real victims of coming back to Leeds. Instead, it’s everyone else around who has to listen to us all yapping away, telling irrelevant anecdotes from our ‘yah abroad’. We really have become that person.

We know you’re spending all your time daydreaming about what once was so here is your reminder of some of the things to be excited about now that you’re back in Leeds.

Hyde Park

I never thought I’d genuinely miss Hyde Park but nowhere does it quite like Leeds when it comes to student life. The buzz of being back in Hyde Park surrounded by students is a feeling like no other. The quick walk into uni, 24-hour Sainsbury’s, RPP and Brudenell Social Club- what more could a student ask for?

Aside from the occasional feeling of dread when walking through Woodhouse Moor in the dark (and often just Hyde Park in general) the community feel of Hyde Park would make any study abroad returner feel right back at home.

Who’s ready for Hyde Park in the summer?

Meal Deals

Imagine having to pay for a sandwich, drink and snack separately. Meal deals are undeniably one of the best things to come out of Britain. Nothing tops wandering into Tesco and walking out with the perfect lunch selection. Although they aren’t £3 anymore, after getting used to paying $9 for just a very mid wrap from Woolworths in Australia, the thought of a meal deal genuinely made me excited to come back home.

Fun fact: Boots invented the meal deal in 1985- we do have nice things.

Bakery 164

I know this one seems obvious with how much people drool over Bakery 164 but, hey, they are criminally good. After a ‘hard-working’ day in Eddy B the thought of a cheeky Bakery 164 gives you all the motivation you need. And, after a whole year of being 164-deprived it’s only going to taste that little bit better.


Yes, there is a slight common theme here: food. However, unless you were on a study abroad in Italy, i think we can all agree that Rudy’s pizzeria is a very compelling reason to get excited to be back in Leeds.


Wow, a whole year without wearing your newest Depop finds at RPP. Imagine what you could show off after a whole year of collecting ‘garms’ in another country.

You could say, ‘Sorry I got it in a vintage shop in Sydney’ or ‘Ah, I got this at a really small independent business in Amsterdam’- just think of the ego-boost that’s going to give you.

Pint prices

Gone are the days of breaking the bank for a pint. Leeds never fails to consistently provide with the alcoholic bargains. Spending more than £5 on a mediocre pint? Leeds could never. And what better way than filling the void of your year abroad than having a drink with your mates… probably talking about the same few stories from your travels.  Cheers!

So, from Hyde Park to meal deals or simply just appreciating a budget friendly pub evening, coming back to Leeds does have its perks.

Although you won’t be able to party by the beach like you did in Spain, or eat genuinely nice pastries like you did in France, or go surfing (with the sharks) in Australia nothing will ever be as iconic as RPP on a Tuesday (if we forget the massive queue).