Introducing Friday’s with Edie: The Exeter Tab’s new agony aunt column

Exeter is in dire need of her advice x

Life at Exeter isn’t always as positive as a beach day in Exmouth, sometimes one too many Venoms might lead to a breakdown in the TP toilets – and that’s ok!

If the delulu advice from your housemates is starting to sound like the blind leading the blind, then look no further. The Exeter Tab are here to help, introducing Edie: Our agony aunt. She’s your third year uni big sister, (who’s definitely seen it all at this point) and she’s here to solve your biggest concerns and dramas.

Your problems will be completely anonymous, so if you need a neutral third-party person to tell you not to get with your first-year situationship again, or just need someone to advise you on getting your rugby boy flatmates to clean a kitchen surface… then look no further than Friday’s with Edie. Edie will dispense some quality wisdom, great chat and overall brilliant advice.

Stay tuned for our weekly column with Edie and in the meantime, follow the link below and send in your biggest worries occurring at this time in the term, and you may receive some fabulous advice to alleviate some of the stress off your back. We’re looking forward to hearing from the troubled souls at Exeter. xoxo.

Send in your dilemmas to Edie here.

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