Here’s an unofficial ranking of the top five Exeter Uni halls that have the best pres
Sorry Duryard, you didn’t make the cut x
No matter which accommodation you’re in, it’s a fact that some halls have far better pres! Freshers, if you’re still settling into the never-ending cycle of pres then Fever, and unsure if you’re making the most out of your pregame experience, here are the (unofficial) top five halls locations that you want to fish for an invite to. The ranking is based on convenience of location, interior design, and obviously how much of a party scene there is.
Disclaimer: if somebody says “Where even is that?” in response to your accommodation, it probably won’t be listed here.
1. New Lafrowda
Surprise, surprise, New Laf gets the top spot. Am I bias as an ex-Lafrowda girl? Probably, but it really doesn’t get better than a Laf pres. Its reputation as the party accommodation doesn’t disappoint and your only issue may be estate patrol coming to shut it down, which I definitely DON’T know from personal experience.
2. Holland Hall (specifically in the summer)
Okay, I know this is very controversial giving Holland Hall the second spot, but have you seen the view from that terrace? A few cold (or probably lukewarm) beers in the sun whilst gazing upon the Devon landscapes, you really can’t get any better for a place to pre. Sorry not sorry, Holland gets second place.
3. East Park
Claiming the bronze medal is East Park, the swanky new (ish) accommodation with sprawling living spaces and a great location. You really can’t decline an invitation to a pres here: Prepare for the music to be blasting with plenty of room for a boogie. The only downside is your host will likely have a heart attack if you knock a drink over, but who could blame them?
4. Birks Grange
Putting aside Cardiac Hill (which becomes even more horrific after a few vodkas), Birks Grange isn’t the worst spot for some pre drinks. Everyone lives in a close proximity, and you’ll probably just find yourself socialising with neighbouring flats – cute. Plus, you’ve got The Impy down the road to escape to if it’s not your vibe.
5. Moberly
Swooping into the top five is Moberly, which although inconvenient for the absolute TREK you’ll have to make to whatever club or party you’re preing for, is a pretty modern and funky accommodation. With huge communal areas and tables definitely designed for beer pong, this accommodation is the definition of underrated. As long as you accept the fact your journey after pres compares to a Bear Grylls style expedition, Moberly will provide an excellent setting to down a few drinks in.